BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945

BC-DX TopNews WWDXC #945 BC-DX 945


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tx, used with 50 to 75 kW depending of mb, mostly on rhombics and logperiodics.<br />

cr17 BR Museum: IBB/VoA/RFE MW RCA? MW 1196, or R Munich/AFN 1106?<br />

cr18 BR Museum: IBB/VoA/RFE feeder plan of about 1950-1978 era, mostly<br />

rhombics, log-per, also MW feed to AFN Munich 1106 masts, VoA 1196 masts.<br />

cr19 ?RCA final MW amplifier tubes.<br />

cr3 IBB/VoA/RFE MW 1197 antenna four mast installation, tx housing.<br />

cr30 MW feeder cable.<br />

cr31 BR Museum, old VoA/BR Collins/Slavia/Tesla/Telefunken installations.<br />

cr32 BR Museum, old VoA/BR Collins/Slavia/Tesla/Telefunken installations.<br />

cr33 BR Museum, old VoA/BR Collins/Slavia/Tesla/Telefunken installations.<br />

cr34 BR Museum, old Reichspost VoA Slavia/Tesla installations.<br />

cr35 BR Museum, old AFN Munich MW 1106 Collins installations.<br />

cr37 BR Museum, old Reichspost Slavia/Tesla installations of 1941-1943.<br />

cr38 BR Museum, old Reichspost Slavia/Tesla installations of 1941-1943.<br />

cr4 IBB satellite link control unit.<br />

cr40 BR Museum, old Reichspost Slavia/Tesla installations of 1941-1943.<br />

cr44 Antenna alignement switch.<br />

cr5 IBB/VoA/RFE MW 1197 antenna, four mast installation.<br />

cr55 BR Museum, frequency operational plan, of 1958?, for SW antennas like<br />

Rhombics, Log-Period., SW feeders towards VoA relay sites in Monrovia,<br />

Tangiers, Thessaloniki and Rhodes Isl.<br />

cr6 IBB/VoA/RFE MW 1197 antenna, four mast installation.<br />

In foreground 19 satellite dish antennas, up to 13 meters in diameter, to<br />

serve repeaters, relays and control links to FM, MW, cable networks in<br />

EUR, AF, NE, ME, AS up to Tinian Isl in the Marianas.<br />

cr7 One of the IBB satellite dishes.<br />

cr8 IBB digital control and feeder installations.<br />

cr9 IBB digital control and feeder installations.<br />

Die viermastige Mittelwellenantenne wurde vor fuenf Jahren [1996]<br />

ueberholt, reicht aber im Prinzip bis in die Nachkriegszeit zurueck, als<br />

man 1949 einen 150-kW-Mittelwellensender fuer 1196 kHz in Betrieb nahm.<br />

Aufgrund des Balkankonflikts haben Radio Free Europe und die Voice of<br />

America ihre Sendungen fuer den Balkan stark ausgeweitet, so dass die<br />

Mittelwelle Ismaning derzeit rund um die Uhr laeuft. Aufgrund der<br />

bekannten Probleme am alten RFE-Standort Holzkirchen, wo ein Umbau der<br />

Antennenanlage am Widerstand der Bevoelkerung scheitert, sind viele<br />

RFE-Sendestunden jetzt beim alter VoA-Standort. Die Zusammenlegung der<br />

Sendertechnik aller US-amerikanischen Auslandsdienste in eine Organisation<br />

ermoeglicht hier die noetige Flexibilitaet.<br />

(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener, July 2001)<br />

Re: Greenville sitee.<br />

I wouldn't call it a bombshell. It's a logical development. The total<br />

airtime for all international broadcasters has decreased significantly<br />

over the past few years, and there are now more opportunities to place<br />

broadcasts on a facility closer to the target area. The BBG plan<br />

specifically refers to closer cooperation with other international<br />

broadcasters. The advantages of doing this are that lower power is often<br />

sufficient (e.g. 250 kW or even 100 kW instead of 500 kW) and the signal<br />

file:///Z|/DOKUMENTATION-BULLETINS/WW<strong>DX</strong>D-<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>/2010/<strong>BC</strong><strong>DX</strong>950.TXT[11.06.2012 10:39:50]

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