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Copyright © 2011 by Jane Applegate. All rights reserved.<br />

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.<br />

Published simultaneously in Canada.<br />

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:<br />

Applegate, Jane.<br />

201 great ideas for your small business / Jane Applegate. — 3rd ed.<br />

p. cm. — (Bloomberg series)<br />

Includes bibliographical references <strong>and</strong> index.<br />

ISBN 978-0-470-91966-8 (pbk.); 978-1-118-06769-7 (ebk); 978-1-118-086770-3<br />

(ebk); 978-1-118-06771—0 (ebk)<br />

1. Small business—Management. I. Title. II. Title: Two hundred one great ideas for<br />

your small business. III. Title: Two hundred <strong>and</strong> one great ideas for your small business.<br />

HD62.7.A64 2011<br />

658.02'2—dc22<br />

2010053517<br />

Printed in the United States of America<br />

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