24.01.2014 Aufrufe

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 - 2013/2014

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014 www.laloupe.com

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014


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aus der Tüte! Ich habe schon vor 25 Jahren selbst erlebt, dass Kinder<br />

Schafe mit Schweinen verwechselt haben. Und die Eltern haben sie nicht<br />

mal korrigiert!<br />

L.L. ⁄ Tourismus in <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong> – Sommer, Winter oder<br />

ganzjährig?<br />

J.B. ⁄ Wir im Hotel Zugspitz haben einen Ganzjahresbetrieb und sind<br />

auch froh drum. Ein richtiges „Loch“ haben wir nicht, denn sogar im<br />

<strong>No</strong>vember richten wir viele Weihnachtsfeiern von den Betrieben aus<br />

<strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong> aus.<br />

L.L. ⁄ Was ist für Sie der größte Luxus?<br />

J.B. ⁄ In der Natur zu sein.<br />

engl. ⁄ Hans Jörg Betz traveled far and wide – only to<br />

come back to his hometown of <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong><br />

and celebrate the art of haute cuisine here. As chef de<br />

cuisine at Hotel Zugspitz he likes to focus on regional<br />

specialties and ‘slow food’. And the guests at Joseph-<br />

Naus-Stub’n and Zugspitz Stadl like it! In his interview<br />

with La Loupe Hans Jörg Betz describes his professional<br />

philosophy and tells us how he likes to live out his artistic<br />

side in his spare time.<br />

L.L. ⁄ After stops in London, Munich, St. Moritz and Kampen you’ve been<br />

back to and working in your hometown for a few years now. Cross your<br />

heart: is <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong> the most beautiful of all?<br />

J.B. ⁄ Well of course, home is always the most beautiful place! But I’m also glad<br />

I followed the call that drew me out into the world and I wouldn’t miss it for the<br />

world. I was able to make a lot of great experiences the guests here at the restaurant<br />

and hotel profit from now. That’s a lot of know-how I can apply here.<br />

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L.L. ⁄ You prefer regional and seasonal products?<br />

J.B. ⁄ In our kitchen a regional approach is vital. I prefer short delivery<br />

routes and I want to promote the local economy. Also I simply want to know<br />

where the meat, the milk, the yogurt comes from. So everything that can be<br />

bought regionally is bought here. We really tried to enforce this philosophy<br />

as much as possible in the past years, really going into detail. Unfortunately

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