24.01.2014 Aufrufe

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 - 2013/2014

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014 www.laloupe.com

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014


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Kunst & Kultur<br />

Michael-Ende-Kurpark<br />

Where the green is even greener:<br />

At Michael-Ende-Kurpark in<br />

<strong>Garmisch</strong>’s center you can take a<br />

deep breath and enjoy this oasis<br />

of quiet and relaxation.<br />

Burgruine Werdenfels<br />

794 years old: the educational trail<br />

to the castle ruin illustrates the<br />

mighty ruin’s and its inhabitants’<br />

history.<br />

Historical bobsled run<br />

Legendary, spectacular: the<br />

historical Olympic-bobsled run<br />

by Riessersee which is a protected<br />

monument now lets you catch a<br />

glimpse of what used to be one of<br />

the most dangerous runs.<br />

Kirchdorf Wamberg<br />

Highly catholic: Wamberg,<br />

Germany’s highest located church<br />

village, praised for its picturebookatmosphere,<br />

incredible calm and<br />

great views.<br />

Königshaus am Schachen<br />

Royal residence: in the midst of<br />

the mountainous isolation, in this<br />

wonderful castle which used to be<br />

the fairy tale king, Ludwig II’s one<br />

can dream of a crazy, pompous<br />


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