24.01.2014 Aufrufe

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 - 2013/2014

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014 www.laloupe.com

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014


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den Festplätzen. Und natürlich dürfen bei den Festwochen in <strong>Garmisch</strong><br />

und in <strong>Partenkirchen</strong> auch Kur- und Urlaubsgäste gerne mitfeiern und<br />

beweisen, wie ansteckend die bayerische Lebenslust ist!<br />

engl. ⁄ This is where you’ll find original festival atmosphere<br />

in line with tradition: at the ‘Festwochen’ in<br />

<strong>Garmisch</strong> and <strong>Partenkirchen</strong> cultural awareness and<br />

modern openness are celebrated.<br />

Original traditions, music, dance and joie de vivre are at the center of<br />

attention of the two folk festival weeks which have been amongst the annual<br />

highlights for more than six decades now. Under the leadership of the<br />

Volkstrachtenverein (traditional costume association) <strong>Garmisch</strong> and the<br />

Volkstrachtenverein ‘Werdenfelser Heimat’ <strong>Partenkirchen</strong>, the <strong>Garmisch</strong>er<br />

Festwoche (festival week) from 27 July to 4 August and the <strong>Partenkirchen</strong>er<br />

Festwoche between August 10 and 19, will once more make you enthusiastic<br />

about everything ‘original’ this summer. The programmer at the<br />

carnival tent at Wittelsbacher Park (<strong>Garmisch</strong>) and in the carnival tent<br />

at Schützenhaus (<strong>Partenkirchen</strong>) comprises a great variety of traditional<br />

music and dance, heritage groups’ performances, hearty culinary delights<br />

and a great atmosphere. Especially on the great party nights the carnival<br />

tents will see a lot of action! And the eyes of the children will certainly light<br />

up as they behold classic items of traditional folk carnival entertainment<br />

– carnival shooting ranges, swingboats, ring-the-bell and stalls selling<br />

sweets are much-loved attractions on the carnival grounds. And of course<br />

health-resort and holiday guests are more than welcome at the carnivals of<br />

<strong>Garmisch</strong> and <strong>Partenkirchen</strong> where they can celebrate together and prove<br />

just how contagious the Bavarian spirit is!

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