24.01.2014 Aufrufe

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 - 2013/2014

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014 www.laloupe.com

LA LOUPE Garmisch - Partenkirchen No. 1 -2013/2014


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‘There are so many<br />

beautiful things to<br />

discover here, one only<br />

needs the courage to<br />

stray off the beaten<br />

tracks.’<br />

‘There is no other<br />

region that offers as<br />

many opportunities<br />

as <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<br />

<strong>Partenkirchen</strong>.’<br />

‘Three wishes for your<br />

future? Health, health,<br />

health!’<br />

L.L. ⁄ Is it possible to get you as a teacher at the skiing school?<br />

F.N. ⁄ Everyone knows that I don’t have time to do skiing courses in<br />

addition to the World Cup races. For the last 5 years I’ve been doing<br />

a special Racing Camp where I train with the children for three<br />

days. During these experiences I learn a lot that can be transported<br />

into the children’s program.<br />

L.L. ⁄ What do you love the most about <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong>?<br />

F.N. ⁄ I was born here, this is my home, my family and friends live<br />

here. I really value my friends; they give me the strength and normality<br />

I need to be able to do tiring races. Apart from that I love our<br />

Bavarian culture and the unique landscape. It’s best to just relax<br />

during a nice dinner with my family or friends.<br />

L.L. ⁄ Would you tell us about two particularly beautiful spots in and<br />

around <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong>?<br />

F.N. ⁄ Geroldsee is one of the most beautiful landscapes I know. Wamberg<br />

is unique and a precious relic from a long time ago. It’s easy to<br />

discover new beauty around here, one only has to have the courage to<br />

disconnect from the mainstream. Only 50 meters off the beaten track<br />

one can have extraordinary experiences in contact with nature.<br />

L.L. ⁄ And where’s a passionate winter athlete’s favorite holiday<br />

destination?<br />

F.N. ⁄ Preferably at home – without any appointments, without a program.<br />

I only come to Werdenfelser Land rarely these days so I simply<br />

like to enjoy the quiet, my friends and my own home.<br />

L.L. ⁄ Do you have an insider tip for <strong>Garmisch</strong>-<strong>Partenkirchen</strong>’s<br />

holiday guests?<br />

F.N. ⁄ Where to start? The range is huge, there is hardly any region<br />

that offers so many opportunities. I can only recommend being<br />

curious and to try and discover things away from the big sights,<br />

things that might be a lot more exciting than standing in line with a<br />

hundred other people.<br />

28<br />

L.L. ⁄ In March <strong>2014</strong> you’ll celebrate your 30th birthday. Do you have<br />

plans for a big party?<br />

F.N. ⁄ <strong>No</strong>t that I know of!

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