11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX


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Anhang A101: % the user about "How to handle the creation of list of102: % abbreviations". Just pr<strong>in</strong>t this user message.103: \typeout{%104: ***************************************************^^J%105: * PLEASE NOTE! The usage of fomdss’ abbreviations^^J%106: * requires the nomencl package! Please ensure that^^J%107: * nomencl package is <strong>in</strong>stalled on your <strong>LaTeX</strong> system^^J%108: * <strong>in</strong> version 4.2, dated at 2005/09/22 (or higher).^^J%109: * Furthermore you have to run the program ’make<strong>in</strong>dex’^^J%110: * with options:^^J%111: * make<strong>in</strong>dex .nlo -s nomencl.ist -o .nls^^J%112: ***************************************************}%113: % Load package ’nomencl’ to support the "list of114: % abbreviations" depend<strong>in</strong>g on package option115: % ’abbrevrefpage’.116: \if@useabbrevrefpage117: \RequirePackage[german,refpage]{nomencl}118: \else119: \RequirePackage[german]{nomencl}120: \fi121: % Load package ’ulem’ with option ’normalem’ to support122: % s<strong>in</strong>gle underl<strong>in</strong>ed text.123: \RequirePackage[normalem]{ulem}124: % Def<strong>in</strong>ition of macro which marks an abbreviation with<strong>in</strong>125: % a text to be added to the list of abbreviations. This126: % macro def<strong>in</strong>es two obligational parameters. The first127: % parameter will be also pr<strong>in</strong>ted with<strong>in</strong> the text.128: % Param1: Represents the abbreviation itself.129: % Param2: Represents the explanation of the abbreviation.130: % Sample: The follow<strong>in</strong>g piece of code produces the text131: % fragment "... a PC is used ..." and also adds132: % "PC ... Personal Computer" to the list of133: % abbreviations":134: % ... a \Abbrev{PC}{Personal Computer} is used ...135: \newcommand\Abbrev[2]{#1\nomenclature{#1}{#2}}136: % Setup the width of abbreviation labels to 20% of137: % currently used text width.138: \setlength{\nomlabelwidth}{.2\textwidth}139: % Reset the layout of abbreviation’s label: Used bold font140: % and fill the gap between label and explanation with dots.141: \renewcommand{\nomlabel}[1]{\textbf{#1} \dotfill}142: % Set gap between every abbreviation list entry to 50% of143: % currently used paragraph separator.144: \setlength{\nomitemsep}{0.5\parsep}145: % Def<strong>in</strong>ition of macro to highlight abbreviation letters146: % with<strong>in</strong> an abbreviation explanation. This macro def<strong>in</strong>es147: % one obligational parameter which underl<strong>in</strong>es the enclosed148: % text.149: % Param1: Represents the abbreviation’s letter to be150: % highlighted with<strong>in</strong> an abbreviation’s explanation.151: % Sample: The follow<strong>in</strong>g piece of code produces the text113

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