11.07.2015 Aufrufe

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX

Paket zur Erstellung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten in LaTeX


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Anhang A45: % basel<strong>in</strong>e.46: % Sample: The follow<strong>in</strong>g piece of code produces the text47: % fragment "... I2C is bus system ...":48: % "... I\Raise{2}C is bus system ..."49: \newcommand{\Raise}[1]{%50: % Position 85% of X-height above base l<strong>in</strong>e.51: \raisebox{0.85ex}{%52: % Shr<strong>in</strong>k to 70% of text size.53: \scalebox{0.7}{#1}}%54: }%55: %-----------------------------------------------------------56: % Def<strong>in</strong>ition of DIN/ISO styled date macro.57: %-----------------------------------------------------------58: % Def<strong>in</strong>ition of macro which typesets the current date59: % (like macro \today does) <strong>in</strong> a short form. It supports60: % two optional parameters which can be used to adjust61: % the date layout.62: % Param1: Represents the k<strong>in</strong>d of date formatt<strong>in</strong>g to be63: % used. Its default value is set to ’d<strong>in</strong>’ and the64: % follow<strong>in</strong>g pre-def<strong>in</strong>ed key words are available to65: % this parameter:66: % d<strong>in</strong>: [default] Layout of current date will be67: % set to ’DD.MM.YYYY’ accord<strong>in</strong>g to DIN 5008.68: % iso: Layout of current date will be typeset to69: % ’YYYY-MM-DD’ accord<strong>in</strong>g to ISO 8601:200470: % and EN 28601.71: % Param2: Represents the date delimiter to be used. The72: % default delimiter depends on given base format73: % announce through parameter #1. In case of74: % parameter #1 equals ’d<strong>in</strong>’ a dot (’.’) is used75: % as this default delimiter. If ’iso’ is used76: % with<strong>in</strong> parameter #1 than a dash (’-’) will be77: % used as default delimiter. The follow<strong>in</strong>g78: % pre-def<strong>in</strong>ed key words are available to this79: % parameter:80: % def: [default] Either a dor or a dash is used81: % as default delimiter.82: % The usage of ’def’ as the default key word83: % makes sense <strong>in</strong> case of the usage of NO delimiter!84: % In this case it is possible to use command85: % ’\TodayShort[iso][]’ which produces a date like86: % ’YYYYMMDD’, <strong>in</strong> other words without a delimiter.87: \DeclareRobustCommand\TodayShort[1][d<strong>in</strong>]{%88: \@ifnextchar[%89: {\@iiTodayShort[#1]}90: {\@iiTodayShort[#1][def]}%]91: }%92: \def\@iiTodayShort[#1][#2]{%93: % Select date layout depend<strong>in</strong>g94: % on parameter #195: \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{iso}}142

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