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Mongolian steppes and east of the Tibetan plateaux has naturally become the<br />

domain of a united agricultural<br />

nation.<br />

The southern lands south of the two great twin rivers are less solidly united<br />

with the rest of the empire. Here the mountains are more elevated than in the<br />

heart of the country, and are grouped in a greater number of independent ridges,<br />

running, not west and east, but mainly south-west and north-east. Nor can the<br />

Si-kiang, the chief river of this region, be compared with the two main streams of<br />

China, either in extent or in the facilities afforded by its lateral valleys for free<br />

inland communication. Hence this portion of the empire constitutes a distinct<br />

territory, more nearly allied physically<br />

and ethnically with Further<br />

India than with China proper. The<br />

Southern Chinese differ widely from<br />

those of the central and northern<br />

regions, both in speech and customs,<br />

and have within the historic period<br />

frequently formed distinct political<br />

systems.<br />

In the eastern hemisphere China<br />

corresponds with West Europe in its<br />

climate, products, and historic development.<br />

The mass of the land<br />

doubtless lies much nearer to the<br />

equator, for its northern frontier at<br />

the eastern extremity of the Great<br />

Wall is crossed by the 40th parallel,<br />

like Mount Athos, Minorca, and<br />

South Spain, while the whole coast<br />

south of the Canton estuary lies<br />

within the tropics. But the iso-<br />

thermal lines, so to say, deflect China<br />

proper northwards, imparting<br />

to it a<br />

relatively cold climate. Thus the<br />

mean temperature of South England<br />

and North France, about 50 Fahr.,<br />


Scale 1 : 45,000,000.<br />

000 Miles.<br />

answers to that of Peking and the Pei-ho valley. Shanghai corresponds in the same<br />

__ way with Marseilles and Genoa, while the isothermal of 68 Fahr. intersects the<br />

South Chinese seaboard, Andalusia, and the south of Portugal. The extremes,<br />

however, are greater in China, which in this respect is thus at once a more<br />

northern and a more southern region than temperate Europe. In the Old<br />

as in the New World the climate of the east is severer than that of the west<br />

coast, a fact due to the disposition of the oceanic basins, and to the rotation of the<br />

earth from west to east. In Europe the conflicting atmospheric currents are those<br />

of the pole and the tropical trade winds, which are deflected by the earth's motion,

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