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244<br />

Fig.<br />

113. FCCHEW-FU.<br />

Scale 1 : 65,000.<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

roadway have fallen into the stream, where they have formed rapids, barring the<br />

further progress<br />

of junks.<br />

In 1876 this bridge, although completely submerged<br />

the inundations of the Min, successfully<br />

resisted the violence of the current.<br />

by<br />

The European quarter lies in the Nantai suburb, where most of the houses are<br />

scattered amid old Chinese tombs on the slope of a hill commanding a prospect of<br />

the city. The chief staple of export has for years been tea, forwarded almost<br />

2,200 Yards.<br />

exclusively to England and<br />

Australia. Recently, however,<br />

the Russian traders settled at<br />

Fuchew have begun to prepare<br />

brick tea, which is shipped for<br />

Tientsin and Siberia. The local<br />

traffic consists of lumber,<br />

bamboos, furniture, paper, rice,<br />

fruits, exchanged for European<br />

goods from Hongkong, Canton,<br />

and Shanghai.<br />

Six miles above Fuchew<br />

the Min is crossed by another<br />

bridge like the Weuchew-kiao.<br />

But all river craft are arrested<br />

at Sliui-kow, below the great<br />

city of Ynngpintj, which stands<br />

at the converging point of the<br />

chief routes of the Min basin.<br />

The botanist Fortune ascended<br />

the main stream to visit the<br />

districts where the best black<br />

teas of Fokien are grown.<br />

But various obstacles compelled<br />

him to retrace his steps, returning<br />

by a pass over the " Bohea "<br />

Mountains, which attain a<br />

mean elevation of 6,000 or<br />

7|000 feet, with peaks rising<br />

in the eastern ridges to 10,000<br />

feet. The great tea mart in<br />

this upper region of the Min is<br />

Txmga*, not far from the isolated Wi-shan, one of the most venerated mountains<br />

in China, consisting of conglomerate sandstone, granite, and quartz, and rising<br />

1,000 feet above the plain. Here is also one of the best tea-growing tracts,<br />

extensively cultivated by the Buddhist monks of the " 999 temples" scattered over<br />

the surrounding hills.<br />

Before Fuchew the more southerly city of Tstcanchew was the capital of

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