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only from the close of the third century of the Christian era, when the Chinese<br />

ideographic writing system was introduced.<br />

Previous to the recent revolution, which changed the form of the governments<br />

the authority of the Mikados was little more than nominal. Since the end of the<br />

twelfth century they had, so to say, been relegated amongst the gods, and their<br />

power was exercised through the medium of a Shogun, who had become the virtual<br />

sovereign. AVhen in 1853 the Americans, and after them the Russians, presented<br />

themselves to demand the conclusion of a treaty of commerce with the<br />

Kingdom of the Rising Sun, the only part taken by the Mikado in the deliberations<br />

was to "address fervent prayers from morning to night to the Kami and the<br />

ancestral shades." Shut up in his palace, or rather his temple, and a complete<br />

slave to etiquette, he was allowed neither to tread the ground, expose his person to<br />

the open air, nor let the sun shine on his head.<br />

But the Shogun himself was no longer in possession of the supreme authority,<br />

which the famous Yeyas, founder of Yedo, had bequeathed to his family at the end<br />

of the sixteenth century. Although closely watched by the Government, the<br />

imperial feudatories, that is to say, the eighteen great daimios and the three hundred<br />

and forty-four lesser daimios, constituted none the less a political estate far more<br />

powerful than the official representatives of the sovereignty. When the Shogun,<br />

alarmed by the appearance of the American squadron under Commodore Perry,<br />

found himself obliged to renounce the traditional policy of the Empire, and authorise<br />

foreigners to trade directly with his people and even to take up<br />

their residence on<br />

Japanese soil, such a radical measure could not fail deeply to affect the opinion of<br />

the feudal lords and of the whole Samurai class. So loud became the clamour, that<br />

the first time for many centuries outward rumours penetrated into the sacred en-<br />

closure of the Mikados. At the instigation of the nobles, the reigning emperor was<br />

compelled to intervene and issue orders to the Shogun. Fierce struggles broke out<br />

in various places between the aristocratic septs, some siding with the " King of<br />

Yedo," others with the Mikado, othersagain acting still more independently, and tak-<br />

ing part, now with one now with the other, according to their caprice or personal feel-<br />

ing*. The league of the daimios of Satsma, Toza, and Nagato, always opposed to<br />

the free admission of foreigners, acquired the upper hand in 1863, and ordered the<br />

Shogun to abrogate the treaties of commerce. But these feudatories had themselves<br />

Kuropean instructors in their armies, physicians and teachers from the West or the<br />

New World in their households, while the strangers also supplied them with guns<br />

and ammunition. Accomplished facts could no longer be undone, the barriers of<br />

seclusion had been once for all burst asunder, and the social revolution henceforth<br />

followed its normal course.<br />

While steps were being taken to call together the Gakziuyin that, is, the<br />

general assembly of the Samurai with a view to the settlement of all urgent<br />

internal and external matters, a "'cohort of the heavenly wrath " was being formed<br />

in the western districts, and foreign vessels penetrating<br />

into the Inland Sea were<br />

being bombarded by the coast batteries. But not only did the foreigners refuse to<br />

withdraw peacefully, but they returned with their fleets, forced the passage of

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