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60<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

Chapman, Bellew, Stoliczka. The fertile region of the plains was now visited in<br />

every direction, whLle farther west the "Roof of the World" was reached from<br />

the Upper Oxus valleys.<br />

Nor were the Russians on their idle.<br />

part<br />

Valikhanov in 1858, and Osten<br />

Sacken in 1867, had crossed the Tian-shan, thence descending from the north<br />

down to the Kashgarian plains. In 1876 Kuropatkin penetrated by the Terek-<br />

davan route into the Tarim basin, skirting<br />

the southern foot of the Tian-shan as<br />

far as Lake Karashar. Following in his footsteps, Regel has recently pushed<br />

farther eastwards along the " imperial highway " always taken by the Chinese on<br />

their military and commercial expeditions<br />

towards the Tian-shan. The itineraries<br />

of Mushketov and others have now connected this route with those of Kulja on the<br />

opposite side, while Prjevalsky, plunging into the desert, has surveyed all the<br />

eastern section of the Tarim basin between the Tian-shan and the Altin-tagh.<br />

But the regions stretching along the foot of the Kuen-lun, formerly traversed by<br />

Marco Polo and Benedict de Goes, still remain unexplored.<br />


From the results of the English and Russian surveys Chinese Turkestan would<br />

appear to have an area of 480,000 square miles, with a population estimated by<br />

Forsyth at no more than 580,000, and which cannot in any case exceed a million.<br />

But here water is scarce, and desert begins wherever the flowing stream runs dry.<br />

The lofty crests of the encircling ranges often tower far above the snow-line, but<br />

the streams discharged by them do not always reach the open plains. They are<br />

nevertheless gathered together in sufficient number to develop a large river basin.<br />

East of Khotan none" of the Kuen-lun and Altin-tagh torrents reach the central<br />

reservoir of this basin except the Cherchen-daria, one of the most copious of all<br />

the streams joining the Tarim above Lake Lob. The affluents of the Khotan-daria,<br />

one of the main branches of the Tarim, were formerly renowned throughout Asia<br />

as the " rivers of Jade." All the Chinese records describe the Khotaii as formed<br />

of three head-streams, each of which sends down jade pebbles of a special colour.<br />

To the east flows the "river of green Jade," to the west that of "black Jade,"<br />

between the two that of " white Jade." Two at least of these rivers have preserved<br />

their name under the Turki forms of Urung-kash (" White Jade") and Kara-<br />

kash Black Jade<br />

(" The ").<br />

latter, by far the largest, rises in Kashmir, far to the<br />

south of the Kuen-lun, at an altitude of over 16,000 feet, and flows from the Kara-<br />

korum through a succession of gorges down to the northern base of the Kuen-lun,<br />

finally escaping through the Shah-i-dulah ravine to the plain of Khotan.<br />

East of the Upper Kara-kash valley tho plain crossed by travellers proceeding<br />

from the Indus to the Tarim basin is largely covered with saline and other efflo-<br />

rescences. The lake by which it was formerly flooded has disappeared, and even<br />

the streams which succeeded it have been swallowed up in the shifting sands.<br />

Deep crevasses are here and there filled with sulphate of magnesia as white and<br />

fine as the driven snow. The deeper cavities are occupied by muddy salt marshes,

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