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48<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

During the present century the repeated efforts of the missionaries to get a<br />

footing in Tibet have all failed. Hue and Gabet could only remain for two<br />

months at Lassa in 1846, and later on others perished<br />

in the attempt to penetrate<br />

into the country. In the south-east a few priests were more fortunate. In 1854<br />

they contrived to found a small agricultural colony amid the Bonga forests, near<br />

the left bank of the Upper Salwen. With the aid of Chinese immigrants and of<br />

numerous slaves, they cleared the ground and established a nourishing village.<br />

lama convent became a presbytery, a pagoda was transformed to a church, in which<br />

converted lamas performed the functions of sacristans. But this prosperity did<br />

not last long. After many vicissitudes the missionaries were obliged to quit<br />

Tibetan soil, and then the buildings were given to the flames. The mission was<br />

re-established in Sechuen, close to Tibet, but 'the fathers no longer dare to cross<br />

the frontier.<br />

Nearly all the lamas, at least in the central region, belong to the sect of the<br />

" Yellow Caps," by whom the few<br />

" "<br />

remaining Red Caps are despised, because<br />

they have not taken the vow of celibacy. But the primitive Pon-bo or Bon-pa<br />

religion has not yet quite disappeared. Its priests have several monasteries,<br />

especially in the south-east, and in the petty state of Pomi, west of the Salwen.<br />

They believe in two great gods, a male and a female, parents of all the other gods,<br />

spirits, and mortals. But in other respects they have gradually conformed to<br />

Buddhism, of which they are now merely a distinct sect. The highlanders<br />

of<br />

Ombo and the Dangra-yum, who practise different rites from the other Buddhists,<br />

also seem to belong to the old religion. Their mystic formula is not the Om mani<br />

padme hum, and they count their rosary beads and walk in procession backwards ;<br />

that is, in the opposite direction to the orthodox practice.<br />

Lastly, some of the half-savage tribes on the Yunnan, Assam, and Burmese<br />

frontiers still observe fetish rites. Amongst them are the Lu-tz', who have given<br />

their name to the Lu-tze-kiang, or Upper Salwen, and who worship the trees and<br />

rocks inhabited by the evil spirits. They also employ the mumos (rnurmis), or<br />

sorcerers, to conjure the bad genii by beating drums, wielding swords, and burning<br />

incense.<br />


Milk, butter, and barley-meal form the chief diet of the people of the plateau.<br />

But in spite of the first commandment of Buddha forbidding the slaughter of<br />

animals, most Tibetans, and even the lamas, add the flesh of their domestic animals<br />

to their modest fare. However, they make amends by despising the hereditary<br />

.caste of butchers, whom they confine to remote suburbs of the towns. The mutton<br />

of Tibet, " the best in the world" (Turner), is universally consumed, and in winter<br />

whole bodies of these animals are preserved in a frozen state. Game is taken with<br />

the dart, arrow, and gun, while the musk deer is usually trapped. The only<br />

animal spared in East Tibet is the stag, " Buddha's horse." On the plateaux<br />

skirting the north bank of the Tsangbo liquid blood forms a part of the diet, and<br />

Nain Singh often saw the shepherds falling prostrate on the ground to lap up the<br />


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