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286<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

same way furnished with every means of defence, and may in a moment be cut off<br />

from the rest of the city.<br />

This quarter includes the Yamun ( Yamen)<br />

that is, the<br />

seat of the administration with its courts and offices, besides gardens and parks,<br />

sometimes of considerable extent. But although the Chinese is<br />

quarter much more<br />

animated, the trading classes still prefer the open suburbs beyond the outer walls,<br />

where they are free from the police and military regulations, and where access and<br />

egress are permitted throughout the night. These suburbs, often stretching for<br />

miles along the roads and canals, become themselves real towns, and thus is social<br />

life gradually developed. During the late troubles most of these suburbs com-<br />

pletely disappeared, but the people soon returned to the old sites, and many of<br />

their environs have already become more important than the cities themselves. The<br />

Fig. 138. SINOAN-FO.<br />

Scale 1 : 40,000.<br />

1,100 Yards.<br />

houses mere frames of light wood and bamboo, with paper adornments are soon<br />

rebuilt ; nor are monumental piles anywhere found, such as those met with in<br />

European cities. Hence earthquakes are comparatively harmless, while fires<br />

spread rapidly amid these flimsy structures. On this account the southern gate of<br />

the city is usually closed in summer, " to keep out the fire-god."<br />

The houses of the rich are generally very clean, and often transformed by<br />

flowering plants to veritable conservatories ; but the towns are, as a rule, inde-<br />

scribably filthy, in this respect forming a striking contrast to the well-kept fields.<br />

Sanitary arrangements can scarcely be said to exist. Hence epidemics, and<br />

especially small-pox, are far more frequent and fatal than in Europe ; while<br />

elephantiasis, leprosy, and other endemics, due mainly to unclean habits, commit<br />

fearful ravages on the seaboard, in the southern provinces and elsewhere. Pro-

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