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the latest returns this figure has been more than trebled. North of Chung-cheng<br />

the busy town of Ho-cheic occupies a convenient position near the junction of the<br />

three head-streams of the Pa-ho. In the neighbouring hills is a fatty earth, which<br />

in times of distress is kneaded into small loaves, baked on charcoal fires, and largely<br />

consumed in all the surrounding districts.<br />

Below Chung-chcng the large emporium of Fuchew, stands at the confluence<br />

of the Kungtan, or Kien-kiang, and thus commands all the navigable waters of the<br />

province of Kweichew. Most of the junks stop at the Kungtan Rapids, beyond<br />

which a few flat-bottomed craft alone ascend as far as Ktrei-yang, capital of Kwei-<br />

chew. This city lies near the source of the river, and communicates across low<br />

water-partings on the one hand with the Si-kiang basin, on the other with that of<br />

the Yuen, an influent of Lake Tungting. In the neighbouring highlands are some<br />

Fig. 101. I-CHASO GORGES.<br />

According to Blakiiton. Scale 1 : 600,000.<br />

independent Miaotze tribes, who have been partly evangelized by the Catholic<br />

missionaries. In a mountain gorge near Nganshun in this region a torrent is<br />

12 Mil<br />

precipitated from a height of several hundred yards.<br />

Here also quicksilver occurs,<br />

probably in greater abundance than elsewhere, and in many places lumps of cinnabar<br />

are<br />

constantly<br />

turned up by the plough. But since the sanguinary outbreak of 1848<br />

the mines have l>een closed, and in 1872 they were still under water.<br />

The pleasant city of Ktceichetc-fu is situated, not in the province to which it<br />

gives its name, but within the Sechucn frontier on the left bunk of the Yang-tsse,<br />

at the upper entrance of the gorges which terminate lower down at I-chnng, in the<br />

province of Hupeh. I-chang, when? is produced the best opium in China,<br />

is the<br />

most inland city opened to direct trade with foreigners. A European settlement<br />

was established here in 1878, and since then its trade has rapidly increased.

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