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320<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

when in opposition to a member of their own class, and were, moreover, at that time,<br />

as now, doing all they could to regain the power over the people, which they had<br />

lost through the weakness displayed during the wars with the English. The<br />

consequence was that, for these various reasons, the death of the unfortunate man<br />

was determined on. He was accordingly<br />

beaten and otherwise tortured till he<br />

confessed himself guilty of the charge brought against him, and soon after executed,<br />

with several other equally innocent people who had been implicated in the same<br />

manner by the Whampoa mandarin. The graduate Fung had his degree taken<br />

from him for having interested himself in behalf of a robber.*<br />


There is no special board of education, because the whole machinery of the<br />

administration is assumed to have no other object except the instruction of the<br />

people. Students able to read the five King and the other classics may already look<br />

forward to a brilliant career, one of the fundamental principles of government being<br />

that place is the reward of merit attested by the public competitive examinations.<br />

" Here is taught the art of government," says an inscription over the gate of the<br />

Peking Academy. Promotion to higher posts is still obtained by fresh examinations,<br />

so that the whole administration may be regarded as a vast scholastic hierarchy.<br />

When the coffers are empty, the Government no doubt often departs from the rule,<br />

conferring honours for "presents," or bribes; but the people do not forget the<br />

origin of these functionaries, and will even taunt them with having obtained promotion<br />

by money instead of merit. Many of the Manchu military mandarins also<br />

owe their appointment to their nationality, and they are consequently held in less<br />

esteem than the civil functionaries. At the annual feasts- the learned mandarins<br />

take the east side, which is the post of honour, while in the temples of Confucius<br />

the military officers are excluded altogether from the ceremonies in honour of<br />

heaven and earth.<br />

In all the large cities one of the chief buildings is the public examination hall,<br />

which consists of a multitude of rooms and courts, surrounded by cells for the<br />

candidates, who are supplied with nothing but white paper, pencils, and inkstand,<br />

and guarded by sentinels from all communication with each other. Sometimes as<br />

many as 10,000 or 12,000 present themselves, remaining for several days<br />

imprisoned, writing moral and political essays, commenting on selected texts of the<br />

sacred books, composing sentences and maxims in prose and verse. Ca?itlidates<br />

have been known to die of exhaustion in their cells, in which case the outer wall is<br />

pierced, and the body secretly removed. Except certain despised classes, police<br />

agents, actors, barbers, palanquin bearers, boatmen, mendicants, descendants of<br />

rebels, all are allowed to compete, and the examiners will even shut their eyes to<br />

the status of the candidates, provided they have a fixed domicile. There is no<br />

limit as to age, old men and precocious youths often<br />

presenting themselves;<br />

but such is the severity of the tests, that, on an average, less than a tenth of the<br />

* " Chinese Notes," p. 170.

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