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50<br />

and thrown into the stream.<br />

EAST ASIA.<br />

The finger joints are also often preserved and strung<br />

in chaplets, while the bones of arms and legs are converted into trumpets for<br />

summoning the lamas to prayer. The lamas themselves are always buried in a<br />

sitting attitude, and the practice of delivering the bodies to wild beasts seems to<br />

have disappeared from West Tibet. But it still flourishes at Kiangka, in the<br />

province of Kham, where a butcher cuts up the body, and the vultures alight in<br />

the midst of the crowd to gorge on the flesh, accompanying the monotonous tones<br />

of the lamas with the flapping<br />

of their wings and the snapping of their bills. Yet<br />

there are few countries where the dead are held ia greater respect than in Tibet.<br />

Grand feasts are celebrated in their memory, and all passers-by are invited to the<br />

funeral banquets. At night the houses are illumined and bonfires blaze on the hill-<br />

tops, while the temples, aglow with light, echo to the sound of cymbals and<br />

hymns in honour of the departed.<br />

According to the missionary Orazio della Penna, an official census made by the<br />

" royal ministers " in the last century gave the population of Tibet as 33,000,000,<br />

of whom 690,000 were under arms. But while quoting this statement Klaproth adds<br />

that 5,000,000 would be, perhaps, nearer the truth. Behm and Wagner stop with<br />

the officers of the Russian staff at 6,000,000, but only because this forms the mean<br />

between the two extremes, 3,500,000 and 11,000,000, recently proposed by various<br />

geographers. The population would thus amount to about 8 persons to the square<br />

mile, but it is known to be very unequally distributed. The Khachi plateau is<br />

almost uninhabited, and in the south-west province of Ilundes, or Nari (Ngari,<br />

Gnari Khorsum), there are only a few scattered groups. Owing to its forests,<br />

mountains, and inaccessible ravines, the eastern province of Kham is very<br />

unequally inhabited, so that the population is concentrated chiefly in the two<br />

southern provinces of Tsang and Wei (IT, Wi) along the Middle Tsangbo, and in<br />

its lateral river valleys.<br />


Daba and most of the so-called towns and villages in the Upper Satlaj valley<br />

are abandoned during the winter season. Puling, the highest permanently<br />

inhabited village in this part of Tibet, stands at an elevation of 13,800 feet above<br />

the sea. Taapmng, like Daba capital of a district, and situated to the north-west<br />

of this place at a height of 15,400 feet, and far above the head-waters of the Satlaj,<br />

is also unoccupied for a part of the year, and in summer contains no more than<br />

some fifteen dwellings. The fortress of Takla-khar, another district capital, lies<br />

on the southern slope of the Himalayas, on the<br />

right bank of the Map-chu, or<br />

" Great River," the main branch of the Karriali of the Nepalese. The fort consists<br />

of excavations and galleries hollowed out of a rock 830 feet high. It contains<br />

large stores of supplies, and the corn deposited here for half a century is said to be<br />

in perfect condition, thanks to the dryness of the air. West of Takla-khar stands<br />

Sitling-gonpa, the largest monastery in Hundes, and noted throughout Tibet and<br />

Nepal<br />

for its immense wealth.<br />

The Upper Indus basin, like that of the Satlaj, is almost uninhabited. Yet

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