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INDUSTRIES. 295<br />

landlord, and keep the winter ones for themselves. They supply the live stock,<br />

manure, and implements, while the owner pays the land tax, which is not a heavy<br />

charge. In the fertile coast lands, where the soil is more divided, an estate of 15<br />

acres is considered a large domain, and the holdings do not probably exceed 3 acres<br />

on. the average. The head of the family may sell or mortgage his property, but<br />

he must first offer it to the next of kin, and so on, according to the order of blood<br />

relationship. At his death it must be divided in equal shares amongst all his sons.<br />

He is compelled by law to keep it in good condition, land<br />

lying fallow for three<br />

years being forfeited and assigned to a fresh occupant. Even the head of the<br />

commune is made responsible for the state of the arable tracts, being subject to<br />

twenty blows of a bamboo in case of neglect or sldvenly tillage. The right of<br />

settling on waste spaces belongs to all, nothing being required beyond<br />

an intimation<br />

to the authorities, with a petition for exemption from the impost, which is usually<br />

granted for a certain term. The Government itself founds military or penal colonies<br />

in remote districts, and especially in Kansu and Zungaria. The Crown lands,<br />

relatively of small extent, lie mostly beyond China proper, in Mongolia, near the<br />

Great Wall, and in Manchuria, home of the reigning dynasty.* The plantations<br />

round the temples, lands set apart for educational purposes or bequeathed to<br />

hospitals and other public foundations, and lastly, portions of the marshy grounds<br />

and the foreshore on the coast and estuaries, are all administered by the commune.<br />


The Chinese industries are many centuries older than those of the West, and<br />

some of the more important discoveries made in Europe towards the close of the<br />

Middle Ages had long been anticipated in the extreme East. Marco Polo and the<br />

early European explorers speak with admiration of the woven goods, chased metals,<br />

and other products of the " Manzi." But the first trustworthy accounts of the<br />

native manufactures was not received in Europe till the close of the seventeenth<br />

century. Several manufacturing processes were revealed by the missionaries, and<br />

the work has been completed during the present century by the translation of<br />

numerous technical treatises. The ready wit and manual skill of the Chinese<br />

artisans are not merely prerogatives of the race, but are also due to the fact that<br />

our minute division of labour has not yet been introduced amongst them. Every<br />

artistic object is the work of one artist, who designs, models, and paints it. In<br />

many provinces the peasantry themselves are craftsmen, spinning and weaving<br />

their cottons and linens. They excel especially in wicker-work, and so closely<br />

plaited are their baskets, that they serve, like wooden or metal vessels, to hold all<br />

kinds of<br />

liquids. The lloa-lnrei, or " renowned for the<br />

embroiderers," have also<br />

skill and perfection<br />

of their workmanship.<br />

been at all times<br />

" On fabrics of<br />

* Crown lands in 1831 :<br />

AppanriK'-s of the Imperial Family<br />

Lands of the Eight Manners . .<br />

Lands of Temples, Schools, and Hospitals<br />

....<br />

730,000 acres.<br />

2,162,000<br />

327,000<br />

Marshes and Foreshore on the Coast 1,567,000<br />

Total 4,786,000

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