Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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and out to another sea which was not the sea in the picture; a sea on which<br />

the sails of Koli dhows glowed scarlet in the setting sun… an accusing finge<br />

r, then, which obliged us to look at the city's dispossessed.<br />

Or maybe and this idea makes me feel a little shivery despite the heat it w<br />

as a finger of warning, its purpose to draw attention to itself; yes, it co<br />

uld have been, why not, a prophecy of another finger, a finger not dissimil<br />

ar from itself, whose entry into my story would release the dreadful logic<br />

of Alpha and Omega… my God, what a notion! How much of my future hung above<br />

my crib, just waiting for me to understand it? How many warnings was I giv<br />

en how many did I ignore?… But no. I will not be a 'madman from somewhere',<br />

to use Padma's eloquent phrase. I will not succumb to cracked digressions;<br />

not while I have the strength to resist the cracks.<br />

When Amina Sinai and Baby Saleem arrived home in a borrowed Studebaker, Ahm<br />

ed Sinai brought a manila envelope along for the ride. Inside the envelope:<br />

a pickle jar, emptied of lime kasaundy, washed, boiled, purified and now,<br />

refilled. A well sealed jar, with a rubber diaphragm stretched over its tin<br />

lid and held in place by a twisted rubber band. What was sealed beneath ru<br />

bber, preserved in glass, concealed in manila? This: travelling home with f<br />

ather, mother and baby was a quantity of briny water in which, floating gen<br />

tly, hung an umbilical cord. (But was it mine or the Other's? That's someth<br />

ing I can't tell you.) While the newly hired ayah, Mary Pereira, made her w<br />

ay to Methwold's Estate by bus, an umbilical cord travelled in state in the<br />

glove compartment of a film magnate's Studey. While Baby Saleem grew towar<br />

ds manhood, umbilical tissue hung unchanging in bottled brine, at the back<br />

of a teak almirah. And when, years later, our family entered its exile in t<br />

he Land of the Pure, when I was struggling towards purity, umbilical cords<br />

would briefly have their day.<br />

Nothing was thrown away; baby and afterbirth were both retained; both arriv<br />

ed at Methwold's Estate; both awaited their time.<br />

I was not a beautiful baby. Baby snaps reveal that my large moon face was<br />

too large; too perfectly round. Something lacking in the region of the chi<br />

n. Fair skin curved across my features but birthmarks disfigured it; dark<br />

stains spread down my western hairline, a dark patch coloured my eastern e<br />

ar. And my temples: too prominent: bulbous Byzantine domes. (Sonny Ibrahim<br />

and I were born to be friends when we bumped our foreheads, Sonny's force<br />

p hollows permitted my bulby temples to nestle within them, as snugly as c<br />

arpenter's joints.) Amina Sinai, immeasurably relieved by my single head,<br />

gazed upon it with redoubled maternal fondness, seeing it through a beauti<br />

fying mist, ignoring the ice like eccentricity of my sky blue eyes, the te<br />

mples like stunted horns, even the rampant cucumber of the nose.<br />

Baby Saleem's nose: it was monstrous; and it ran.

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