Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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gynaecologist knew property was temporarily as cheap as dirt, my mother co<br />

ncentrated on her segmented scheme for learning to love her husband. She ca<br />

me to feel a deep affection for the question marks of his ears; for the rem<br />

arkable depth of his navel, into which her finger could go right up to the<br />

first joint, without even pushing; she grew to love the knobbliness of his<br />

knees; but, try as she might (and as I'm giving her the benefit of my doubt<br />

s I shall offer no possible reasons here), there was one part of him which<br />

she never managed to love, although it was the one thing he possessed, in f<br />

ull working order, which Nadir Khan had certainly lacked; on those nights w<br />

hen he heaved himself up on top of her when the baby in her womb was no big<br />

ger than a frog it was just no good at all.<br />

… 'No, not so quick, janum, my life, a little longer, please,' she is saying;<br />

and Ahmed, to spin things out, tries to think back to the fire, to the last<br />

thing that happened on that blazing night, when just as he was turning to go<br />

he heard a dirty screech in the sky, and, looking up, had time to register th<br />

at a vulture at night! a vulture from the Towers of Silence was flying overhe<br />

ad, and that it had dropped a barely chewed Parsee hand, a right hand, the sa<br />

me hand which now! slapped him full in the face as it fell; while Amina, bene<br />

ath him in bed, ticks herself off: Why can't you enjoy, you stupid woman, fro<br />

m now on you must really try.<br />

On June 4th, my ill matched parents left for Bombay by Frontier Mail. (Ther<br />

e were hangings, voices hanging on for dear life, fists crying out, 'Mahara<br />

j! Open, for one tick only! Ohe, from the milk of your kindness, great sir,<br />

do us favour!' And there was also hidden beneath dowry in a green tin trun<br />

k a forbidden, lapis lazuli encrusted, delicately wrought silver spittoon.)<br />

On the same day, Earl Mountbatten of Burma held a press conference at whic<br />

h he announced the Partition of India, and hung his countdown calendar on t<br />

he wall: seventy days to go to the transfer of power… sixty nine… sixty eig<br />

ht… tick, tock.<br />

Methwold<br />

The fishermen were here first. Before Mountbatten's ticktock, before monst<br />

ers and public announcements; when underworld marriages were still unimagi<br />

ned and spittoons were unknown; earlier than Mercurochrome; longer ago tha<br />

n lady wrestlers who held up perfor ated sheets; and back and back, beyond<br />

Dalhousie and Elphinstone, before the East India Company built its Fort,<br />

before the first William Methwold; at the dawn of time, when Bombay was a<br />

dumbbell shaped island tapering, at the centre, to a narrow shining strand<br />

beyond which could be seen the finest and largest natural harbour in Asia<br />

, when Mazagaon and Worli, Matunga and Mahim, Salsette and Colaba were isl<br />

ands, too in short, before reclamation, before tetrapods and sunken piles

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