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Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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y words, because Tony Brent is reaching the end of his medley, and his final<br />

e, too, is the same as Winkie's: 'Good Night, Ladies' is the name of the son<br />

g. Merrily it rolls along, rolls along, rolls along…<br />

(Fade out.)<br />

The Kolynos Kid<br />

From ayah to Widow, I've been the sort of person to whom things have been d<br />

one; but Saleem Sinai, perennial victim, persists in seeing himself as prot<br />

agonist. Despite Mary's crime; setting aside typhoid and snake venom; dismi<br />

ssing two accidents, in washing chest and circus ring (when Sonny Ibrahim,<br />

master lock breaker, permitted my budding horns of temples to invade his fo<br />

rcep hollows, and through this combination unlocked the door to the midnigh<br />

t <strong>children</strong>); disregarding the effects of Evie's push and my mother's infide<br />

lity; in spite of losing my hair to the bitter violence of Emil Zagallo and<br />

my finger to the lip licking goads of Masha Miovic; setting my face agains<br />

t all indications to the contrary, I shall now amplify, in the manner and w<br />

ith the proper solemnity of a man of science, my claim to a place at the ce<br />

ntre of things.<br />

'… Your life, which will be, in a sense, the mirror of our own,' the Prime M<br />

inister wrote, obliging me scientifically to face the question: In what sens<br />

e? How, in what terms, may the career of a single . individual be said to im<br />

pinge on the fate of a nation? I must answer in adverbs and hyphens: I was l<br />

inked to history both literally and metaphorically, both actively and passiv<br />

ely, in what our (admirably modern) scientists might term 'modes of connecti<br />

on' composed of dualistically combined configurations' of the two pairs of o<br />

pposed adverbs given above. This is why hyphens are necessary: ac'tively lit<br />

erally, passively metaphorically, actively metaphorically and pas sively lit<br />

erally, I was inextricably entwined with my world.<br />

Sensing Padma's unscientific bewilderment, I revert to the inexactitudes of<br />

common speech: By the combination of'active' and 'literal' I mean, of cour<br />

se, all actions of mine which directly literally affected, or altered the c<br />

ourse of, seminal historical events, for instance the manner in which I pro<br />

vided the language marchers with their battle cry. The union of 'passive' a<br />

nd 'metaphorical' encompasses all socio political trends and events which,<br />

merely by existing, affected me metaphorically for example, by reading betw<br />

een the lines of the episode entitled 'The Fisherman's Pointing Finger', yo<br />

u will perceive the unavoidable connection between the infant state's attem<br />

pts at rushing towards full sized adulthood and my own early, explosive eff<br />

orts at growth… Next, 'passive' and 'literal', when hyphenated, cover all m<br />

oments at which national events had a direct bearing upon the lives of myse<br />

lf and my family under this heading you should file the freezing of my fath

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