Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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k of then. Now does not bear thinking about… and she, sweetly, reasonably,<br />

'Basically, you see, it is all a question of God.'<br />

(Are you listening, <strong>children</strong>? Pass it on.)<br />

'The people of India,' the Widow's Hand explained, 'worship our Lady like<br />

a god. Indians are only capable of worshipping one God.'<br />

But I was brought up in Bombay, where Shiva Vishnu Ganesh Ahuramazda Alla<br />

h and countless others had their flocks… 'What about the pantheon,' I arg<br />

ued, 'the three hundred and thirty million gods of Hinduism alone? And Is<br />

lam, and Bodhisattvas…?' And now the answer: 'Oh yes! My God, millions of<br />

gods, you are right! But all manifestations of the same om. You are Musl<br />

im: you know what is om ? Very well. For the masses, our Lady is a manife<br />

station of the om.'<br />

There are four hundred and twenty of us; a mere 0.00007 per cent of the six<br />

hundred million strong population of India. Statistically insignificant; e<br />

ven if we were considered as a percentage of the arrested thirty (or two hu<br />

ndred and fifty) thousand, we formed a mere 1.4 (or 0.168) per cent! But wh<br />

at I learned from the Widow's Hand is that those who would be gods fear no<br />

one so much as other potential deities; and that, that and that only, is wh<br />

y we, the magical <strong>children</strong> of midnight, were hated feared destroyed by the<br />

Widow, who was not only Prime Minister of India but also aspired to be Devi<br />

, the Mother goddess in her most terrible aspect, possessor of the shakti o<br />

f the gods, a multi limbed divinity with a centre parting and schizophrenic<br />

hair… And that was how I learned my meaning in the crumbling palace of the<br />

bruised breasted women.<br />

Who am I? Who were we? We were are shall be the gods you never had. But also<br />

something else; and to explain that, I must tell the difficult part at last<br />

.<br />

All in a rush, then, because otherwise it will never come out, I tell you<br />

that on New Year's Day, 1977, I was told by a gorgeous girl with rolling h<br />

ips that yes, they would be satisfied with four hundred and twenty, they h<br />

ad verified one hundred and thirty nine dead, only a handful had escaped,<br />

so now it would begin, snip snip, there would be anaesthetic and count to<br />

ten, the numbers marching one two three, and I, whispering to the wall, Le<br />

t them let them, while we live and stay together who can stand against us?<br />

… And who led us, one by one, to the chamber in the cellar where, because<br />

we are not savages, sir, air conditioning units had been installed, and a<br />

table with a hanging lamp, and doctors nurses green and black, their robes<br />

were green their eyes were black… who, with knobbly irresistible knees, e<br />

scorted me to the chamber of my undoing? But you know, you can guess, ther<br />

e is only one war hero in this story, unable to argue with the venom of hi<br />

s knees I walked wherever he ordered… and then I was there, and a gorgeous

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