Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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of unspilled tears, too blue to blink. When I was fed, my eyes did not flut<br />

ter; when virginal Mary set me across her shoulder, crying, 'Oof, so heavy,<br />

sweet Jesus!' I burped without nictating. When Ahmed Sinai limped splint toe<br />

d to my crib, I yielded to jutting lips with keen and batless gaze… 'Maybe a<br />

mistake, Madam,' Mary suggested. 'Maybe the little sahib is copying us blin<br />

king when we blink.' And Amina: 'We'll blink in turn and watch.' Their eyeli<br />

ds opening and closing alternately, they observed my icy blueness; but there<br />

was not the slightest tremor; until Amina took matters into her own hands a<br />

nd reached into the cradle to stroke my eyelids downwards. They closed: my b<br />

reathing altered, instantly, to the contented rhythms of sleep. After that,<br />

for several months, mother and ayah took it in turns to open and close my li<br />

ds. 'He'll learn, Madam,' Mary comforted Amina, 'He is a good obedient child<br />

and he will get the hang of it for sure.' I learned: the first lesson of my<br />

life: nobody can face the world with his eyes open all the time.<br />

Now, looking back through baby eyes, I can see it all perfectly it's amazi<br />

ng how much you can remember when you try. What I can see: the city, baski<br />

ng like a bloodsucker lizard in the summer heat. Our Bombay: it looks like<br />

a hand but it's really a mouth, always open, always hungry, swallowing fo<br />

od and talent from everywhere else in India. A glamorous leech, producing<br />

nothing except films bush shirts fish… in the aftermath of Partition, I se<br />

e Vishwanath the postboy bicycling towards our two storey hillock, vellum<br />

envelope in his saddlebag, riding his aged Arjuna Indiabike past a rotting<br />

bus abandoned although it isn't the monsoon season, because its driver su<br />

ddenly decided to leave for Pakistan, switched off the engine and departed<br />

, leaving a full busload of stranded passengers, hanging off the windows,<br />

clinging to the roof rack, bulging through the doorway… I can hear their o<br />

aths, son of a pig, brother of a jackass; but they will cling to their har<br />

d won places for two hours before they leave the bus to its fate. And, and<br />

: here is India's first swimmer of the English Channel, Mr Pushpa Roy, arr<br />

iving at the gates of the Breach Candy Pools. Saffron bathing cap on his h<br />

ead, green trunks wrapped in flag hued towel, this Pushpa has declared war<br />

on the whites only policy of the baths. He holds a cake of Mysore sandalw<br />

ood soap; draws himself up; marches through the gate… whereupon hired Path<br />

ans seize him, Indians save Europeans from an Indian mutiny as usual, and<br />

out he goes, struggling valiantly, frogmarched into Warden Road and flung<br />

into the dust. Channel swimmer dives into the street, narrowly missing cam<br />

els taxis bicycles (Vishwanath swerves to avoid his cake of soap)… but he<br />

is not deterred; picks himself up; dusts himself down; and promises to be<br />

back tomorrow. Throughout my childhood years, the days were punctuated by<br />

the sight of Pushpa the swimmer, in saffron cap and flag tinted towel, div<br />

ing unwillingly into Warden Road. And in the end his indomitable campaign<br />

won a victory, because today the Pools permit cer

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