Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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dlin fluidities; but no more. I was given no reason (until the Widow's Hand…<br />

) for my incarceration: but who, of all the thirty thousand or quarter of a<br />

million, was told why or wherefore? Who needed to be told? In the walls, I h<br />

eard the muted voices of the midnight <strong>children</strong>: needing no further footnotes<br />

, I blubbered over peeling plaster.<br />

What Saleem whispered to the wall between April and December 1976:<br />

… Dear Children. How can I say this? What is there to say? My guilt my sham<br />

e. Although excuses are possible: I wasn't to blame about Shiva. And all ma<br />

nner of folk are being locked up, so why not us? And guilt is a complex mat<br />

ter, for are we not all, each of us in some sense responsible for do we not<br />

get the leaders we deserve? But no such excuses are offered. I did it, I.<br />

Dear <strong>children</strong>: and my Parvati is dead. And my Jamila, vanished. And everyon<br />

e. Vanishing seems to be yet another of those characteristics which recur t<br />

hroughout my history: Nadir Khan vanished from an underworld, leaving a not<br />

e behind; Aadam Aziz vanished, too, before my grandmother got up to feed th<br />

e geese; and where is Mary Pereira? I, in a basket, disappeared; but Laylah<br />

or Parvati went phutt without the assistance of spells. And now here we ar<br />

e, disappeared off the face of the earth. The curse of vanishment, dear chi<br />

ldren, has evidently leaked into you. No, as to the question of guilt, I re<br />

fuse absolutely to take the larger view; we are too close to what is happen<br />

ing, perspective is impossible, later perhaps analysts will say why and whe<br />

refore, will adduce underlying economic trends and political developments,<br />

but right now we're too close to the cinema screen, the picture is breaking<br />

up into dots, only subjective judgments are possible. Subjectively, then,<br />

I hang my head in shame. Dear <strong>children</strong>: forgive. No, I do not expect you to forgive.<br />

Politics, <strong>children</strong>: at the best of times a bad dirty business. We should have<br />

avoided it, I should never have dreamed of purpose, I am coming to the concl<br />

usion that privacy, the small individual lives of men, are preferable to all<br />

this inflated macrocosmic activity. But too late. Can't be helped. What can't<br />

be cured must be endured.<br />

Good question, <strong>children</strong>: what must be endured? Why are we being amassed her<br />

e like this, one by one, why are rods and rings hanging from our necks? And<br />

stranger confinements (if a whispering wall is to be believed): who has th<br />

e gift of levitation has been tied by the ankles to rings set in the floor,<br />

and a werewolf is obliged to wear a muzzle; who can escape through mirrors<br />

must drink water through a hole in a lidded can, so that he cannot vanish<br />

through the reflective surface of the drink; and she whose looks can kill h<br />

as her head in a sack, and the bewitching beauties of Baud are likewise bag<br />

headed. One of us can eat metal; his head is jammed in a brace, unlocked o<br />

nly at mealtimes… what is being prepared for us? Something bad, <strong>children</strong>. I<br />

don't know what as yet, but it's coming. Children: we, too, must prepare.

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