Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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d all of Narlikar's business deals; and they cut my father out of the tetra<br />

pod deal just as coolly as you please. After all those years my father was<br />

left with nothing but a hole in his pocket, while the women took Narlikar's<br />

body to Benares to have it cremated, and the Estate servants whispered to<br />

me that they had heard how the Doctor's ashes were sprinkled on the waters<br />

of Holy Ganga at Manikarnika ghat at dusk, and they did not sink, but float<br />

ed on the surface of the water like tiny glowing firebugs, and were washed<br />

out to sea where their strange luminosity must have frightened the captains<br />

of ships.<br />

As for Ahmed Sinai: I swear that it was after Narlikar's death and the arriv<br />

al of the women that he began, literally, to fade… gradually his skin paled,<br />

his hair lost its colour, until within a few months he had become entirely<br />

white except for the darkness of his eyes. (Mary Pereira told Amina: 'That m<br />

an is cold in the blood; so now his skin has made ice, white ice like a frid<br />

ge.') I should say, in all honesty, that although he pretended to be worried<br />

by his transformation into a white man, and went to see doctors and so fort<br />

h, he was secretly rather pleased when they failed to explain the problem or<br />

prescribe a cure, because he had long envied Europeans their pigmentation.<br />

One day, when it was permissible to make jokes again (a decent interval had<br />

been allowed to elapse after Dr Narlikar's death), he told Lila Sabarmati at<br />

the cocktail hour: 'All the best people are white under the skin; I have me<br />

rely given up pretending.' His neighbours, all of whom were darker than he,<br />

laughed politely and felt curiously ashamed.<br />

Circumstantial evidence indicates that the shock of Narlikar's death was r<br />

esponsible for giving me a snow white father to set beside my ebony mother<br />

; but (although I don't know how much you're prepared to swallow) I shall<br />

risk giving an alternative explanation, a theory developed in the abstract<br />

privacy of my clocktower… because during my frequent psychic travels, I d<br />

iscovered something rather odd: during the first nine years after Independ<br />

ence, a similar pigmentation disorder (whose first recorded victim may wel<br />

l have been the Rani of Cooch Naheen) afflicted large numbers of the natio<br />

n's business community. All over India, I stumbled across good Indian busi<br />

nessmen, their fortunes thriving thanks to the first Five Year Plan, which<br />

had concentrated on building up commerce… businessmen who had become or w<br />

ere becoming very, very pale indeed! It seems that the gargantuan (even he<br />

roic) efforts involved in taking over from the British and becoming master<br />

s of their own destinies had drained the colour from their cheeks… in whic<br />

h case, perhaps my father was a late victim of a widespread, though genera<br />

lly unremarked phenomenon. The businessmen of India were turning white.<br />

That's enough to chew on for one day. But Evelyn Lilith Burns is coming; th<br />

e Pioneer Cafe is getting painfully close; and more vitally midnight's othe<br />

r <strong>children</strong>, including my alter ego Shiva, he of the deadly knees, are press

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