Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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out of lethargy and depression and guilt fogs and verruca pain by the sight<br />

of my father, seemed miraculously to regain her youth; with all her old gi<br />

fts of assiduity restored, she set about the rehabilitation of Ahmed, drive<br />

n by an unstoppable will. She brought him home to the first floor bedroom i<br />

n which she had nursed him through the freeze; she sat with him day and nig<br />

ht, pouring her strength into his body. And her love had its reward, becaus<br />

e not only did Ahmed Sinai make a recovery so complete as to astound Breach<br />

Candy's European doctors, but also an altogether more wonderful change occ<br />

urred, which was that, as Ahmed came to himself under Amina's care, he retu<br />

rned not to the self which had practised curses and wrestled djinns, but to<br />

the self he might always have been, filled with contrition and forgiveness<br />

and laughter and generosity and the finest miracle of all, which was love.<br />

Ahmed Sinai had, at long last, fallen in love with my mother.<br />

And I was the sacrificial lamb with which they anointed their love.<br />

They had even begun to sleep together again; and although my sister with a<br />

flash of her old Monkey self said, 'In the same bed, Allah, Mi Mi, how di<br />

rty!', I was happy for them; and even, briefly, happier for myself, becaus<br />

e I was back in the land of the Midnight Children's Conference. While news<br />

paper headlines marched towards war, I renewed my acquaintance with my mir<br />

aculous fellows, not knowing how many endings were in store for me.<br />

On October 9th indian army poised for all out effort I felt able to convene<br />

the Conference (time and my own efforts had erected the necessary barrier<br />

around Mary's secret). Back into my head they came; it was a happy night, a<br />

night for burying old disagreements, for making our own all out effort at<br />

reunion. We repeated, over and over again, our joy at being back together;<br />

ignoring the deeper truth that we were like all families, that family reuni<br />

ons are more delightful in prospect than in reality, and that the time come<br />

s when all families must go their separate ways. On October 15th unprovoked<br />

attack on iNDIA the questionsI'd been dreading and trying not to provoke b<br />

egan: Why is Shiva not here? And: Why have you closed off part of your mind?<br />

On October 20th, the Indian forces were defeated thrashed by the Chinese at<br />

Thag La ridge. An official Peking statement announced: In self defence, Ch<br />

inese frontier guards were compelled to strike back resolutely. But when, t<br />

hat same night, the <strong>children</strong> of midnight launched a concerted assault on me<br />

, I had no defence. They attacked on a broad front and from every direction<br />

, accusing me of secrecy, prevarication, high handedness, egotism; my mind,<br />

no longer a parliament chamber, became the battleground on which they anni<br />

hilated me. No longer 'big brother Saleem', I listened helplessly while the<br />

y tore me apart; because, despite all their sound and fury, I could not unb<br />

lock what I had sealed away; I could not bring myself to tell them Mary's s<br />

ecret. Even Parvati the witch, for so long my fondest supporter, lost patie

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