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Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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I) had been cleansed of the whole business; that after my vengeful abando<br />

nment by Jamila Singer, who wormed me into the Army to get me out her sight<br />

, I (or he) accepted the fate which was my repayment for love, and sat unco<br />

mplaining under a chinar tree; that, emptied of history, the buddha learned<br />

the arts of submission, and did only what was required of him. To sum up:<br />

I became a citizen of Pakistan.<br />

It was arguably inevitable that, during the months of training, the buddha sh<br />

ould begin to irritate Ayooba Baloch. Perhaps it was because he chose to live<br />

apart from the soldiers, in a straw lined ascetic's stall at the far end of<br />

the kennel barracks; or because he was so often to be found sitting cross leg<br />

ged under his tree, silver spittoon clutched in hand, with unfocused eyes and<br />

a foolish smile on his lips as if he were actually happy that he'd lost his<br />

brains! What's more, Ayooba, the apostle of meat, may have found his tracker<br />

insufficiently virile. 'Like a brinjal, man,' I permit Ayooba to complain, 'I<br />

swear a vegetable!'<br />

(We may also, taking the wider view, assert that irritation was in the air<br />

at the year's turn. Were not even General Yahya and Mr Bhutto getting hot<br />

and bothered about the petulant insistence of Sheikh Mujib on his right t<br />

o form the new government? The wretched Bengali's Awami League had won 160<br />

out of a possible 162 East Wing seats; Mr Bhutto's P.P.P. had merely take<br />

n 81 Western constituencies. Yes, an irritating election. It is easy to im<br />

agine how irked Yahya and Bhutto, West Wingers both, must have been! And w<br />

hen even the mighty wax peevish, how is one to blame the small man? The ir<br />

ritation of Ayooba Baloch, let us conclude, placed him in excellent, Dot t<br />

o say exalted company.)<br />

On training manoeuvres, when Ayooba Shaheed Farooq scrambled after the budd<br />

ha as he followed the faintest of trails across bush rocks streams, the thr<br />

ee boys were obliged to admit his skill; but still Ayooba, tank like, deman<br />

ded: 'Don't you remember really? Nothing? Allah, you don't feel bad? Somewh<br />

ere you've maybe got mother father sister,' but the buddha interrupted him<br />

gently: 'Don't try and fill my head with that history. I am who I am, that'<br />

s all there is.' His accent was so pure, 'Really classy Lucknow type Urdu,<br />

wah wah!' Farooq said admiringly, that Ayooba Baloch, who spoke coarsely, l<br />

ike a tribesman, fell silent; and the three boys began to believe the rumou<br />

rs even more fervently. They were unwillingly fascinated by this man with h<br />

is nose like a cucumber and his head which rejected memories families histo<br />

ries, which contained absolutely nothing except smells… 'like a bad egg tha<br />

t somebody sucked dry,' Ayooba muttered to his companions, and then, return<br />

ing to his central theme, added, 'Allah, even his nose looks like a vegetab<br />

le.'<br />

Their uneasiness lingered. Did they sense, in the buddha's numbed blankness,

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