Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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, the price of pom fret, the roster of household chores, must call in the e<br />

lectrician to mend the ceiling fan in the dining room, how she's desperatel<br />

y concentrating on parts of her husband to love, but the unmentionable word<br />

keeps finding room, the two syllables which leaked out of her in the bathr<br />

oom that day, Na Dir Na Dir Na, she's finding it harder and harder to put d<br />

own the telephone when the wrong numbers come my mother I tell you when a b<br />

oy gets inside grown up thoughts they can really mess him up completely And<br />

even at night, no respite, I wake up at the stroke of midnight with Mary P<br />

ereira's dreams inside my head Night after night Always at my personal witc<br />

hing hour, which also has meaning for her Her dreams are plagued by the ima<br />

ge of a man who has been dead for years, Joseph D'Costa, the dream tells me<br />

the name, it is coated with a guilt I cannot understand, the same guilt wh<br />

ich seeps into us all every time we eat her chutneys, there is a mystery he<br />

re but because the secret is not in the front of her mind I can't find it out, and meanwh<br />

he's a wolf, or a snail, once a broomstick, but we (she dreaming, I looking<br />

in) know it's him, baleful implacable accusative, cursing her in the languag<br />

e of his incarnations, howling at her when he's wolf Joseph, covering her in<br />

the slime trails of Joseph the snail, beating her with the business end of<br />

his broomstick incarnation… and in the morning when she's telling me to bath<br />

e clean up get ready for school I have to bite back the questions, I am nine<br />

years old and lost in the confusion of other people's lives which are blurr<br />

ing together in the heat.<br />

To end this account of the early days of my transformed life, I must add on<br />

e painful confession: it occurred to me that I could improve my parents' op<br />

inion of me by using my new faculty to help out with my schoolwork in short<br />

, I began to cheat in class. That is to say, I tuned in to the inner voices<br />

of my schoolteachers and also of my cleverer classmates, and picked inform<br />

ation out of their minds. I found that very few of my masters could set a t<br />

est without rehearsing the ideal answers in their minds and I knew, too, th<br />

at on those rare occasions when the teacher was preoccupied by other things<br />

, his private love life or financial difficulties, the solutions could alwa<br />

ys be found in the precocious, prodigious mind of our class genius, Cyrus t<br />

he great. My marks began to improve dramatically but not overly so, because<br />

I took care to make my versions different from their stolen originals; eve<br />

n when I telepathi cally cribbed an entire English essay from Cyrus, I adde<br />

d a number of mediocre touches of my own. My purpose was to avoid suspicion<br />

; I did not, but I escaped discovery. Under Emil Zagallo's furious, interro<br />

gating eyes I remained innocently seraphic; beneath the bemused, head shaki<br />

ng perplexity of Mr Tandon the English master I worked my treachery in sile<br />

nce knowing that they would not believe the truth even if, by chance or fol<br />

ly, I spilled the beans.

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