Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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d brains and bad teeth; you'll have got a friend and a safe deposit box rol<br />

led into one!' Uncle Puffs' daughters, he claimed, all conformed to the abo<br />

ve description… I, embarrassed, smelling out that he was only half joking,<br />

would cry, 'O, Uncle Puffs!' He knew his nick name; quite liked it, even. S<br />

lapping my thigh, he cried, 'Playing hard to get, eh? Darn right. O.K., my<br />

boy: you pick one of my girls, and I guarantee to have all her teeth pulled<br />

out; by the time you marry her she'll have a million buck smile for a dowr<br />

y!' Whereupon my mother usually contrived to change the subject; she wasn't<br />

keen on Uncle Puffs' idea, no matter how pricey the dentures… on that firs<br />

t night, as so often afterwards, Jamila sang to Major Alauddin Latif. Her v<br />

oice wafted out through the window and silenced the traffic; the birds stop<br />

ped chattering and, at the hamburger shop across the street, the radio was<br />

switched off; the street was full of stationary people, and my sister's voi<br />

ce washed over them… when she finished, we noticed that Uncle Puffs was crying.<br />

'A jewel,' he said, honking into a handkerchief, 'Sir and Madam, your daugh<br />

ter is a jewel. I am humbled, absolutely. Darn humbled. She has proved to m<br />

e that a golden voice is preferable even to golden teeth.'<br />

And when Jamila Singer's fame had reached the point at which she could no l<br />

onger avoid giving a public concert, it was Uncle Puffs who started the rum<br />

our that she had been involved in a terrible, disfiguring car crash; it was<br />

Major (Retired) Latif who devised her famous, all concealing, white silk c<br />

hadar, the curtain or veil, heavily embroidered in gold brocade work and re<br />

ligious calligraphy, behind which she sat demurely whenever she performed i<br />

n public. The chadar of Jamila Singer was held up by two tireless, muscular<br />

figures, also (but more simply) veiled from head to foot the official stor<br />

y was that they were her female attendants, but their sex was impossible to<br />

determine through their burqas; and at its very centre, the Major had cut<br />

a hole. Diameter: three inches. Circumference: embroidered in finest gold t<br />

hread. That was how the history of our family once again became the fate of<br />

a nation, because when Jamila sang with her lips pressed against the broca<br />

ded aperture, Pakistan fell in love with a fifteen year old girl whom it on<br />

ly ever glimpsed through a gold and white perforated sheet.<br />

The accident rumour set the final seal on her popularity; her concerts pack<br />

ed out the Bambino theatre in Karachi and filled the Shalimar bagh in Lahor<br />

e; her records constantly topped the sales charts. And as she became public<br />

property, 'Pakistan's Angel', 'The Voice of the Nation', the 'Bulbul e Din<br />

' or nightingale of the faith, and began to receive one thousand and one fi<br />

rm proposals of marriage a week; as she became the whole country's favourit<br />

e daughter and grew into an existence which threatened to overwhelm her pla<br />

ce in our own family, so she fell prey to the twin viruses of fame, the fir<br />

st of which made her the victim of her own public image, because the accide<br />

nt rumour obliged her to wear a gold and white burqa at all times, even in

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