Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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formation into the Kolynos Kid); ayah Mary, who had apparently followed me<br />

into exile, slept on the floor by my side. By day, she filled my stomach wi<br />

th the promised cakes and sweetmeats (paid for, I now believe, by my mother<br />

); I should have grown immensely fat, except that I had begun once again to<br />

grow in other directions, and at the end of the year of accelerated histor<br />

y (when I was only eleven and a half) I had actually attained my full adult<br />

height, as if someone had grasped me by the folds of my puppy fat and sque<br />

ezed them harder than any toothpaste tube, so that inches shot out of me un<br />

der the pressure. Saved from obesity by the Kolynos effect, I basked in my<br />

uncle and aunt's delight at having a child around the house. When I spilt 7<br />

Up on the carpet or sneezed into my dinner, the worst my uncle would say w<br />

as 'Hai yo! Black man!' in his booming steamship's voice, spoiling the effe<br />

ct by grinning hugely. Meanwhile, my aunty Pia was becoming the next in the<br />

long series of women who have bewitched and finally undone me good and pro<br />

per.<br />

(I should mention that, while I stayed in the Marine Drive apartment, my test<br />

icles, forsaking the protection of pelvic bone, decided prematurely and witho<br />

ut warning to drop into their little sacs. This event, too, played its part i<br />

n what followed.)<br />

My mumani my aunty the divine Pia Aziz: to live with her was to exist in th<br />

e hot sticky heart of a Bombay talkie. In those days, my uncle's career in<br />

the cinema had entered a dizzy decline, and, for such is the way of the wor<br />

ld, Pia's star had gone into decline along with his. In her presence, howev<br />

er, thoughts of failure were impossible. Deprived of film roles, Pia had tu<br />

rned her life into a feature picture, in which I was cast in an increasing<br />

number of bit parts. I was the Faithful Body Servant: Pia in petticoats, so<br />

ft hips rounding towards my desperately averted eyes, giggling while her ey<br />

es, bright with antimony, flashed imperiously 'Come on, boy, what are you s<br />

hy for, holds these pleats in my sari while I fold.' I was her Trusted Conf<br />

idant, too. While my uncle sat on chlorophyll striped sofa pounding out scr<br />

ipts which nobody would ever film, I listened to the nostalgic soliloquy of<br />

my aunt, trying to keep my eyes away from two impossible orbs, spherical a<br />

s melons, golden as mangoes: I refer, you will have guessed, to the adorabl<br />

e breasts of Pia mumani. While she, sitting on her bed, one arm flung acros<br />

s her brow, declaimed: 'Boy, you know, I am great actress; I have interpret<br />

ed several major roles! But look, what fate will do! Once, boy, goodness kn<br />

ows who would beg absolutely to come to this flat; once the reporters of Fi<br />

lmfare and Screen Goddess would pay black money to get inside! Yes, and dan<br />

cing, and I was well known at Venice restaurant all of those great jazzmen<br />

came to sit at my feet, yes, even that Braz. Boy, after Lovers of Kashmir,<br />

who was a bigger star? Not Poppy; not Vyjayantimala; not one person!' And I<br />

, nodding emphatically, no naturally nobody, while her wondrous skin wrappe

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