Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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of us knocked on its doors.<br />

Movements visible through a small iron eye level grille: a low mellifluous<br />

female voice asked us to state our business. Picture Singh announced: 'I am<br />

the Most Charming Man In The World. You are employing here one other snake<br />

charmer as cabaret; I will challenge him and prove my superiority. For thi<br />

s I do not ask to be paid. It is, capteena, a question of honour.'<br />

It was evening; Mr Anand 'Andy' Shroff was, by good fortune, on the premis<br />

es. And, to cut a long story short, Picture Singh's challenge was accepted<br />

, and we entered that place whose name had already unnerved me somewhat, b<br />

ecause it contained the word midnight, and because its initials had once c<br />

oncealed my own, secret world: M.C.C., which stands for Metro Cub Club, on<br />

ce also stood for the Midnight Children's Conference, and had now been usu<br />

rped by the secret nightspot. In a word: I felt invaded.<br />

Twin problems of the city's sophisticated, cosmopolitan youth: how to consum<br />

e alcohol in a dry state; and how to romance girls in the best Western tradi<br />

tion, by taking them out to paint the town red, while at the same time prese<br />

rving total secrecy, to avoid the very Oriental shame of a scandal? The Midn<br />

ite Confidential was Mr Shroff's solution to the agonizing difficulties of t<br />

he city's gilded youth. In that underground of licentiousness, he had create<br />

d a world of Stygian darkness, black as hell; in the secrecy of midnight dar<br />

kness, the city's lovers met, drank imported liquor, and romanced; cocooned<br />

in the isolating, artificial night, they canoodled with impunity. Hell is ot<br />

her people's fantasies: every saga requires at least one descent into Jahann<br />

um, and I followed Picture Singh into the inky negritude of the Club, holdin<br />

g an infant son in my arms.<br />

We were led down a lush black carpet midnight black, black as lies, crow bl<br />

ack, anger black, the black of 'hai yo, black man!'; in short, a dark rug b<br />

y a female attendant of ravishing sexual charms, who wore her sari erotical<br />

ly low on her hips, with a jasmine in her navel; but as we descended into t<br />

he darkness, she turned towards us with a reassuring smile, and I saw that<br />

her eyes were closed; unearthly luminous eyes had been painted on her lids.<br />

I could not help but ask, 'Why…' To which she, simply: 'I am blind; and be<br />

sides, nobody who comes here wants to be seen. Here you are in a world with<br />

out faces or names; here people have no memories, families or past; here is<br />

for now, for nothing except right now.'<br />

And the darkness engulfed us; she guided us through that nightmare pit in whi<br />

ch light was kept in shackles and bar fetters, that place outside time, that<br />

negation of history… 'Sit here,' she said, 'The other snake man will come soo<br />

n. When it is time, one light will shine on you; then begin your contest.'<br />

We sat there for what? minutes, hours, weeks? and there were the glowing eye<br />

s of blind women leading invisible guests to their seats; and gradually, in<br />

the dark, I became aware of being surrounded by soft, amorous susurrations,

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