Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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g, 'laddoos, pista ki lauz, meat samosas, kulfi. So thin you got, baba, the<br />

wind will blow you away.' The Packard is driving away; it is failing to tu<br />

rn off Warden Road, up the two storey hillock; and Saleem, 'Hanif mamu, whe<br />

re are we…' No time to get it out; Hanif roars, 'Your Pia aunty is waiting!<br />

My God, you see if we don't have a number one good time!' His voice drops<br />

conspiratorially: 'Lots,' he says darkly, 'of fun.' And Mary: 'Arre baba ye<br />

s! Such steak! And green chutney!'… 'Not the dark one,' I say, captured at<br />

last; relief appears on the cheeks of my captors. 'No no no,' Mary babbles,<br />

'light green, baba. Just like you like.' And, 'Pale green!' Hanif is bello<br />

wing, 'My God, green like grasshoppers!'<br />

All too fast… we are at Kemp's Corner now, cars rushing around like bullet<br />

s… but one thing is unchanged. On Ids billboard, the Kolynos Kid is grinni<br />

ng, the eternal pixie grin of the boy in the green chlorophyll cap, the lu<br />

natic grin of the timeless Kid, who endlessly squeezes an inexhaustible tu<br />

be of toothpaste on to a bright green brush: Keep Teeth Kleen And Keep Tee<br />

th Brite, Keep Teeth Kolynos Super White!… and you may wish to think of me<br />

, too, as an involuntary Kolynos Kid, squeezing crises and transformations<br />

out of a bottomless tube, extruding time on to my metaphorical toothbrush<br />

; clean, white time with green chlorophyll in the stripes.<br />

This, then, was the beginning of my first exile. (There will be a second,<br />

and a third.) I bore it uncomplainingly. I had guessed, of course, that th<br />

ere was one question I must never ask; that I had been loaned out, like a<br />

comic book from the Scandal Point Second Hand Library, for some indefinite<br />

period; and that when my parents wanted me back, they would send for me.<br />

When, or even if: because I blamed myself not a little for my banishment.<br />

Had I not inflicted upon myself one more deformity to add to bandylegs cuc<br />

umbernose horn temples staincheeks? Was it not possible that my mutilated<br />

finger had been (as my announcement of my voices had nearly been), for my<br />

long suffering parents, the last straw? That I was no longer a good busine<br />

ss risk, no longer worth the investment of their love and protection?… I d<br />

ecided to reward my uncle and aunt for their kindness in taking in so wret<br />

ched a creature as myself, to play the model nephew and await events. Ther<br />

e were times when I wished that the Monkey would come and see me, or even<br />

call me on the phone; but dwelling on such matters only punctured the ball<br />

oon of my equanimity, so I did my best to put them out of my mind. Besides<br />

, living with Hanif and Pia Aziz turned out to be exactly what my uncle ha<br />

d promised: lots of fun.<br />

They made all the fuss of me that <strong>children</strong> expect, and accept graciously, f<br />

rom childless adults. Their flat overlooking Marine Drive wasn't large, but<br />

there was a balcony from which I could drop monkey nut shells on to the he<br />

ads of passing pedestrians; there was no spare bedroom, but I was offered a<br />

deliciously soft white sofa with green stripes (an early proof of my trans

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