Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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the grasping thumb and forefinger, it unleashes a weapon of its own… a larg<br />

e blob of shining goo emerges from the left nostril, to plop into Mr Zagall<br />

o's palm. Fat Perce Fishwala yells, 'Lookit that, sir! The drip from his no<br />

se, sir! Is that supposed to be Ceylon?'<br />

His palm smeared with goo, Zagallo loses his jokey mood. 'Animal,' he curs<br />

es me, 'You see what you do?' Zagallo's hand releases my nose; returns to<br />

hair. Nasal refuse is wiped into my neatly parted locks. And now, once aga<br />

in, my hair is seized; once again, the hand is pulling… but upwards now, a<br />

nd my head has jerked upright, my feet are moving on to tiptoe, and Zagall<br />

o, 'What are you? Tell me what you are!'<br />

'Sir an animal sir!'<br />

The hand pulls harder higher. 'Again.' Standing on my toenails now, I yelp: '<br />

Aiee sir an animal an animal please sir aiee!'<br />

And still harder and still higher… 'Once more!' But suddenly it ends; my feet<br />

are flat on the ground again; and the class has fallen into a deathly hush.<br />

'Sir,' Sonny Ibrahim is saying, 'you pulled his hair out, sir.'<br />

And now the cacophony: 'Look sir, blood.' 'He's bleeding sir.1 'Please sir sha<br />

ll I take him to the nurse?'<br />

Mr Zagallo stood like a statue with a clump of my hair in his fist. While I<br />

too shocked to feel any pain felt the patch on my head where Mr Zagallo ha<br />

d created a monkish tonsure, a circle where hair would never grow again, an<br />

d realized that the curse of my birth, which connected me to my country, ha<br />

d managed to find yet one more unexpected expression of itself.<br />

Two days later, Croaker Crusoe announced that, unfortunately, Mr Emil Zagal<br />

lo was leaving the staff for personal reasons; but I knew what the reasons<br />

were. My uprooted hairs had stuck to his hands, like bloodstains that would<br />

n't wash out, and nobody wants a teacher with hair on Ids palms, 'The first<br />

sign of madness,' as Glandy Keith was fond of saying, 'and the second sign<br />

is looking for them.'<br />

Zagallo's legacy: a monk's tonsure; and, worse than that, a whole set of new<br />

taunts, which my classmates flung at me while we waited for school buses to t<br />

ake us home to get dressed for the Social: 'Snot nose is a bal die!' and, 'Sn<br />

iffer's got a map face!' When Cyrus arrived in the bus queue, I tried to turn<br />

the crowd against him, by attempting to set up a chant of'Cyrus the great, B<br />

orn on a plate, In nineteen hundred and forty eight,' but nobody took up the<br />

offer.<br />

So we come to the events of the Cathedral School Social. At which bullies<br />

became instruments of destiny, and fingers were transmuted into fountains,<br />

and Masha Miovic, the legendary breast stroker, fell into a dead faint… I<br />

arrived at the Social with the nurse's bandage still on my head. I was la<br />

te, because it hadn't been easy to persuade my mother to let me come; so b<br />

y the time I stepped into the Assembly Hall, beneath streamers and balloon

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