Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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had begun disappearing on mysterious 'shopping trips') dramatically and<br />

unaccountably blushed.<br />

On my tenth birthday, I was given an Alsatian puppy with a false pedigree w<br />

ho would shortly die of syphilis.<br />

On my tenth birthday, everyone at Methwold's Estate tried hard to be chee<br />

rful, but beneath this thin veneer everyone was possessed by the same tho<br />

ught: 'Ten years, my God! Where have they gone? What have we done?'<br />

On my tenth birthday, old man Ibrahim announced his support for the Maha Gu<br />

jarat Parishad; as far as possession of the city of Bombay was concerned, h<br />

e nailed his colours to the losing side.<br />

On my tenth birthday, my suspicions aroused by a blush, I spied on my moth<br />

er's thoughts; and what I saw there led to my beginning to follow her, to<br />

my becoming a private eye as daring as Bombay's legendary Dom Minto, and t<br />

o important discoveries at and in the vicinity of the Pioneer Cafe.<br />

On my tenth birthday, I had a party, which was attended by my family, whi<br />

ch had forgotten how to be gay, by classmates from the Cathedral School,<br />

who had been sent by their parents, and by a number of mildly bored girl<br />

swimmers from the Breach Candy Pools, who permitted the Brass Monkey to f<br />

ool around with them and pinch their bulging musculatures; as for adults,<br />

there were Mary and Alice Pereira, and the Ibrahims and Homi Catrack and<br />

Uncle<br />

Hanif and Pia Aunty, and Lila Sabarmati to whom the eyes of every schoolbo<br />

y (and also Homi Catrack) remained firmly glued, to the considerable irrit<br />

ation of Pia. But the only member of the hilltop gang to attend was loyal<br />

Sonny Ibrahim, who had defied an embargo placed upon the festivities by an<br />

embittered Evie Burns. He gave me a message: 'Evie says to tell you you'r<br />

e out of the gang.'<br />

On my tenth birthday, Evie, Eyeslice, Hairoil and even Cyrus the great stor<br />

med my private hiding place; they occupied the clock tower, and deprived me<br />

of its shelter.<br />

On my tenth birthday, Sonny looked upset, and the Brass Monkey detached her<br />

self from her swimmers and became utterly furious with Evie Burns. Til teac<br />

h her,' she told me. 'Don't you worry, big brother; I'll show that one, all<br />

right.'<br />

On my tenth birthday, abandoned by one set of <strong>children</strong>, I learned that fiv<br />

e hundred and eighty one others were celebrating their birthdays, too; whi<br />

ch was how I understood the secret of my original hour of birth; and, havi<br />

ng been expelled from one gang, I decided to form my own, a gang which was<br />

spread over the length and breadth of the country, and whose headquarters<br />

were behind my eyebrows.<br />

And on my tenth birthday, I stole the initials of the Metro Cub Club which<br />

were also the initials of the touring English cricket team and gave them

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