Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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scendancy and the Conference's decline, I began to ascend the stairs whenev<br />

er possible, and listen to the ravings of the crazy, sibilant old man.<br />

His first greeting to me, when I stumbled into his unlocked lair, was: 'So,<br />

child you have recovered from the typhoid.' The sentence stirred time like a<br />

sluggish dust cloud and rejoined me to my one year old self; I remembered t<br />

he story of how Schaapsteker had saved my life with snake poison. And afterw<br />

ards, for several weeks, I sat at his feet, and he revealed to me the cobra<br />

which lay coiled within myself.<br />

Who listed, for my benefit, the occult powers of snakes? (Their shadows kill<br />

cows; if they enter a man's dreams, his wife conceives; if they are killed,<br />

the murderer's family is denied male issue for twenty generations.) And who<br />

described to me with the aid of books and stuffed corpses the cobra's const<br />

ant foes? 'Study your enemies, child,' he hissed, 'or they will surely kill<br />

you.'… At Schaapsteker's feet, I studied the mongoose and the boar, the dagg<br />

er billed adjutant bird and the barasinha deer, which crushes snakes' heads<br />

under its feet; and the Egyptian ichneumon, and ibis; the four feet high sec<br />

retary bird, fearless and hook beaked, whose appearance and name made me thi<br />

nk suspicious thoughts about my father's Alice Pereira; and the jackal buzza<br />

rd, the stink cat, the honey ratel from the hills; the road runner, the pecc<br />

ary, and the formidable cangamba bird. Schaapsteker, from the depths of his<br />

senility, instructed me in life. 'Be wise, child. Imitate the action of the<br />

snake. Be secret; strike from the cover of a bush.'<br />

Once he said: 'You must think of me as another father. Did I not give you<br />

your life when it was lost?' With this statement he proved that he was as<br />

much under my spell as I under his; he had accepted that he, too, was one<br />

of that endless series of parents to whom I alone had the power of giving<br />

birth. And although, after a time, I found the air in his chambers too opp<br />

ressive, and left him once more to the isolation from which he would never<br />

again be disturbed, he had shown me how to proceed. Consumed by the two h<br />

eaded demon of revenge, I used my telepathic powers (for the first time) a<br />

s a weapon; and in this way I discovered the details of the relationship b<br />

etween Homi Catrack and Lila Sabarmati. Lila and Pia were always rivals in<br />

beauty; it was the wife of the heir apparent to the title of Admiral of t<br />

he Fleet who had become the film magnate's new fancy woman. While Commande<br />

r Sabarmati was at sea on manoeuvres, Lila and Homi were performing certai<br />

n manoeuvres of their own; while the lion of the seas awaited' the death o<br />

f the then Admiral, Homi and Lila, too, were making an appointment with th<br />

e Reaper. (With my help.)<br />

'Be secret,' said Sharpsticker sahib; secretly, I spied on my enemy Homi, a<br />

nd on the promiscuous mother of Eyeslice and Hairoil (who were very full of<br />

themselves of late, ever since, in fact, the papers announced that Command<br />

er Sabarmati's promotion was a mere formality. Only a matter of time…). 'Lo

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