Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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lice were summoned; and Inspector Vakeel returned to Methwold's Estate, acc<br />

ompanied by a special squad of crack officers 'all deadeye shots. Begum Sah<br />

iba; just you leave it all to us!' who, disguised as sweepers, with guns co<br />

ncealed under their rags, kept the clocktower under surveillance while swee<br />

ping up the dust in the circus ring.<br />

Night fell. Behind curtains and chick blinds, the inhabitants of Methwold's<br />

Estate peered fearfully in the direction of the clocktower. Sweepers, absu<br />

rdly, went about their duties in the dark. Johnny Vakeel took up a position<br />

on our verandah, rifle just out of sight… and, at midnight, a shadow came<br />

over the side wall of the Breach Candy school and made its way towards the<br />

tower, with a sack slung over one shoulder… 'He must enter,' Vakeel had tol<br />

d Amina; 'Must be sure we get the proper johnny.' The johnny, padding acros<br />

s flat tarred roof, arrived at the tower; entered.<br />

'Inspector Sahib, what are you waiting for?'<br />

'Shhh, Begum, this is police business; please go inside some way. We shall t<br />

ake him when he comes out; you mark my words. Caught,' Vakeel said with sati<br />

sfaction, 'like a rat in a trap.'<br />

'But who is he?'<br />

'Who knows?' Vakeel shrugged. 'Some badmaash for sure. There are bad egg<br />

s everywhere these days.'<br />

… And then the silence of the night is split like milk by a single, sawn of<br />

f shriek; somebody lurches against the inside of the clocktower door; it is<br />

wrenched open; there is a crash; and something streaks out on to black tar<br />

mac. Inspector Vakeel leaps into action, swinging up his rifle, shooting fr<br />

om the hip like John Wayne; sweepers extract marksmen's weapons from their<br />

brushes and blaze away… shrieks of excited women, yells of servants… silenc<br />

e.<br />

What lies, brown and black, banded and serpentine on the black tarmac? Wha<br />

t, leaking black blood, provokes Dr Schaapsteker to screech from his top f<br />

loor vantage point: 'You complete fools! Brothers of cockroaches! Sons of<br />

transvestites!'… what, flick tongued, dies while Vakeel races on to tarred<br />

roof?<br />

And inside the clocktower door? What weight, falling, created such an almig<br />

hty crash? Whose hand wrenched a door open; in whose heel are visible the t<br />

wo red, flowing holes, filled with a venom for which there is no known anti<br />

venene, a poison which has killed stablefuls of worn out horses? Whose body<br />

is carried out of the tower by plain clothes men, in a dead march, coffinl<br />

ess, with imitation sweepers for pallbearers? Why, when the moonlight falls<br />

upon the dead face, does Mary Pereira fall like a sack of potatoes to the<br />

floor, eyes rolling upwards in their sockets, in a sudden and dramatic faint?<br />

And lining the interior walls of the clocktower: what are these strange mech<br />

anisms, attached to cheap time pieces why are there so many bottles with rag

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