Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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XXIII Corps were acting on instructions passed from Menon to General Thapar<br />

, I, too, had been placed in great danger; as if unseen forces had decided<br />

that I had also overstepped the boundaries of what I was permitted to do or<br />

know or be; as though history had decided to put me firmly in my place. I<br />

was left entirely without a say in the matter; my mother read the telegram,<br />

burst into tears and said, 'Children, we're going home!'… after which, as<br />

I began by saying in another context, it was only a matter of time.<br />

What the telegram said: please come quick sinaisahib suffered H<br />


'Of course, go at once, my darling,' my aunt Emerald told her sister, 'But wh<br />

at, my God, can be this heartboot?'<br />

It is possible, even probable, that I am only the first historian to write<br />

the story of my undeniably exceptional life and times. Those who follow in<br />

my footsteps will, however, inevitably come to this present work, this sour<br />

ce book, this Hadith or Purana or Grundrisse, for guidance and inspiration.<br />

I say to these future exegetes: when you come to examine the events which<br />

followed on from the 'heartboot cable', remember that at the very eye of th<br />

e hurricane which was unleashed upon me the sword, to switch metaphors, wit<br />

h which the coup de grace was applied there lay a single unifying force. I<br />

refer to telecommunications.<br />

Telegrams, and after telegrams, telephones, were my undoing; generously, ho<br />

wever, I shall accuse nobody of conspiracy; although it would be easy to be<br />

lieve that the controllers of communication had resolved to regain their mo<br />

nopoly of the nation's air waves…. I must return (Padma is frowning) to the<br />

banal chain of cause and effect: we arrived at Santa Cruz airport, by Dako<br />

ta, on September 16th; but to explain the telegram, I must go further back<br />

in time.<br />

If Alice Pereira had once sinned, by stealing Joseph D'Costa from her siste<br />

r Mary, she had in these latter years gone a long way towards attaining red<br />

emption; because for four years she had been Ahmed Sinai's only human compa<br />

nion. Isolated on the dusty hillock which had once been Methwold's Estate,<br />

she had borne enormous demands on her accommodating good nature. He would m<br />

ake her sit with him until midnight while he drank djinns and ranted about<br />

the injustices of his life; he remembered, after years of forgetfulness, hi<br />

s old dream of translating and re ordering the Quran, and blamed his family<br />

for emasculating him so that he didn't have the energy to begin such a tas<br />

k; in addition, because she was there, his anger often directed itself at h<br />

er, taking the form of long tirades filled with gutter oaths and the useles<br />

s curses he had devised in the days of his deepest abstraction. She attempt<br />

ed to be understanding: he was a lonely man; his once infallible relationsh<br />

ip with the telephone had been destroyed by the economic vagaries of the ti<br />

mes; his touch in financial matters had begun to desert him… he fell prey,

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