Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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nce with me at last. 'O, Saleem,' she said, 'God knows what that Pakistan h<br />

as done to you; but you are badly changed.'<br />

Once, long ago, the death of Mian Abdullah had destroyed another Conference<br />

, which had been held together purely by the strength of his will; now, as<br />

the midnight <strong>children</strong> lost faith in me, they also lost their belief in the<br />

thing I had made for them. Between October 20th and November 2Oth, I contin<br />

ued to convene to attempt to convene our nightly sessions; but they fled fr<br />

om me, not one by one, but in tens and twenties; each night, less of them w<br />

ere willing to tune in; each week, over a hundred of them retreated into pr<br />

ivate life. In the high Himalayas, Gurkhas and Rajputs fled in disarray fro<br />

m the Chinese army; and in the upper reaches of my mind, another army was a<br />

lso destroyed by things bickerings, prejudices, boredom, selfishness which<br />

I had believed too small, too petty to have touched them.<br />

(But optimism, like a lingering disease, refused to vanish; I continued to<br />

believe I continue now that what we had in common would finally have outwei<br />

ghed what drove us apart. No: I will not accept the ultimate responsibility<br />

for the end of the Children's Conference; because what destroyed all possi<br />

bility of renewal was the love of Ahmed and Amina Sinai.)<br />

… And Shiva? Shiva, whom I cold bloodedly denied his birthright? Never once<br />

, in that last month, did I send my thoughts in search of him; but his exis<br />

tence, somewhere in the world, nagged away at the corners of my mind. Shiva<br />

the destroyer, Shiva Knoc knees… he became, for me, first a stabbing twing<br />

e of guilt; then an obsession; and finally, as the memory of his actuality<br />

grew dull, he became a sort of principle; he came to represent, in my mind,<br />

all the vengefulness and violence and simultaneous love and hate of Things<br />

in the world; so that even now, when I hear of drowned bodies floating lik<br />

e balloons on the Hooghly and exploding when nudged by passing boats; or tr<br />

ains set on fire, or politicians killed, or riots in Orissa or Punjab, it s<br />

eems to me that the hand of Shiva lies heavily over all these things, doomi<br />

ng us to flounder endlessly amid murder rape greed war that Shiva, in short<br />

, has made us who we are. (He, too, was born on the stroke of midnight; he,<br />

like me, was connected to history. The modes of connection if I'm right in<br />

thinking they applied to me enabled him, too, to affect the passage of the days.)<br />

I'm talking as if I never saw him again; which isn't true. But that, of course,<br />

must get into the queue like everything else; I'm not strong enough to tell th<br />

at tale just now.<br />

The disease of optimism, in those days, once again attained epidemic propor<br />

tions; I, meanwhile, was afflicted by an inflammation of the sinuses. Curio<br />

usly triggered off by the defeat of Thag La ridge, public optimism about th<br />

e war grew as fat (and as dangerous) as an overfilled balloon; my long suff<br />

ering nasal passages, however, which had been overfilled all their days, fi

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