Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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Ahmed Sinai, his face ravaged by whisky and now by something worse, stand<br />

s beside the Venetian blind. Amina, speaking in whispers. Again, snatches<br />

across the million miles of distance. Janumplease. Ibegyou. No, what are<br />

you saying. Of course it was. Of course you are the. How could you think<br />

I would. Who could it have. ? God don't just stand and look. I swear Isw<br />

earonmymother'shead. Now shh he is…<br />

A new song from Tony Brent, whose repertoire today is uncannily similar to<br />

Wee Willie Winkie's: 'How Much Is That Doggie In The Window?' hangs in the<br />

air, floating on radio waves. My father advances on my bed, towers over me,<br />

I've never seen him look like this before. 'Abba…' And he, 'I should have<br />

known. Just look, where am I in that face. That nose, I should have…' He tu<br />

rns on his heel and leaves the room; my mother follows him, too distraught<br />

to whisper now: 'No, janum, I won't let you believe such things about me! I<br />

'll kill myself! I'll,' and the door swings shut behind them. There is a no<br />

ise outside: like a clap. Or a slap. Most of what matters in your life take<br />

s place in your absence.<br />

Tony Brent begins crooning his latest hit into my good ear: and assures me,<br />

melodiously, that 'The Clouds Will Soon Roll By'.<br />

… And now I, Saleem Sinai, intend briefly to endow my self then with the be<br />

nefits of hindsight; destroying the unities and conventions of fine writing<br />

, I make him cognizant of what was to come, purely so that he can be permit<br />

ted to think the following thoughts: 'O eternal opposition of inside and ou<br />

tside! Because a human being, inside himself, is anything but a whole, anyt<br />

hing but homogeneous; all kinds of everywhichthing are jumbled up inside hi<br />

m, and he is one person one minute and another the next. The body, on the o<br />

ther hand, is homogeneous as anything. Indivisible, a one piece suit, a sac<br />

red temple, if you will. It is important to preserve this wholeness. But th<br />

e loss of my finger (which was conceivably foretold by the pointing digit o<br />

f Raleigh's fisherman), not to mention the removal of certain hairs from my<br />

head, has undone all that. Thus we enter into a state of affairs which is<br />

nothing short of revolutionary; and its effect on history is bound to be pr<br />

etty damn startling. Uncork the body, and God knows what you permit to come<br />

tumbling out. Suddenly you are forever other than you were; and the world<br />

becomes such that parents can cease to be parents, and love can turn to hat<br />

e. And these, mark you, are only the effects on private life. The consequen<br />

ces for the sphere of public action, as will be shown, are were will be no<br />

less profound.'<br />

Finally, withdrawing my gift of foreknowledge, I leave you with the image of<br />

a ten year old boy with a bandaged finger, sitting in a hospital bed, musin<br />

g about blood and noises like claps and the expression on his father's face;<br />

zooming out slowly into long shot, I allow the sound track music to drown m

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