Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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tain Indians 'the better sort' to step into their map shaped waters. But Pu<br />

shpa does not belong to the better sort; old now and forgotten, he watches<br />

the Pools from afar… and now more and more of the multitudes are flooding i<br />

nto me such as Bano Devi, the famous lady wrestler of those days, who would<br />

only wrestle men and threatened to marry anyone who beat her, as a result<br />

of which vow she never lost a bout; and (closer to home now) the sadhu unde<br />

r our garden tap, whose name was Purushottam and whom we (Sonny, Eyeslice,<br />

Hairoil, Cyrus and I) would always call Puru the guru believing me to be th<br />

e Mubarak, the Blessed One, he devoted his life to keeping an eye on me, an<br />

d filled his days teaching my father palmistry and witching away my mother'<br />

s verrucas; and then there is the rivalry of the old bearer Musa and the ne<br />

w ayah Mary, which will grow until it explodes; in short, at the end of 194<br />

7, life in Bombay was as teeming, as manifold, as multitudinously shapeless<br />

as ever… except that I had arrived; I was already beginning to take my pla<br />

ce at the centre of the universe; and by the time I had finished, I would g<br />

ive meaning to it all. You don't believe me? Listen: at my cradle side, Mar<br />

y Pereira is singing a little song:<br />

@@@Anything you want to be, you can be: You can be just what all you wa<br />

nt.<br />

By the time of my circumcision by a barber with a cleft palate from the Roy<br />

al Barber House on Gowalia Tank Road (I was just over two months old), I wa<br />

s already much in demand at Methwold's Estate. (Incidentally, on the subjec<br />

t of the circumcision: I still swear that I can remember the grinning barbe<br />

r, who held me by the foreskin while my member waggled frantically like a s<br />

lithering snake; and the razor descending, and the pain; but I'm told that,<br />

at the time, I didn't even blink.)<br />

Yes, I was a popular little fellow: my two mothers, Amina and Mary, couldn'<br />

t get enough of me. In all practical matters, they were the most intimate o<br />

f allies. After my circumcision, they bathed me together; and giggled toget<br />

her as my mutilated organ waggled angrily in the bathwater. 'We better watc<br />

h this boy, Madam,' Mary said naughtily, 'His thing has a life of its own!'<br />

And Amina, 'Tch, tch, Mary, you're terrible, really…' But then amid sobs o<br />

f helpless laughter, 'Just see, Madam, his poor little soo soo!' Because it<br />

was wiggling again, thrashing about, like a chicken with a slitted gullet…<br />

Together, they cared for me beautifully; but in the matter of emotion, the<br />

y were deadly rivals. Once, when they took me for a pram ride through the H<br />

anging Gardens on Malabar Hill, Amina overheard Mary telling the other ayah<br />

s, 'Look: here's my own big son' and felt oddly threatened. Baby Saleem bec<br />

ame, after that, the battleground of their loves; they strove to outdo one<br />

another in demonstrations of affection; while he, blinking by now, gurgling<br />

aloud, fed on their emotions, using it to accelerate his growth, expanding

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