Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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He was the possessor of a navel which chose to stick out instead of in, so th<br />

at Picture Singh, aghast, cried, 'His bimbi, captain! His bimbi, look!', and<br />

he became, from the first days, the gracious recipient of our awe;<br />

A child of such grave good nature that his absolute refusal to cry or whimper<br />

utterly won over his adoptive father, who gave up laughing hysterically at t<br />

he grotesque ears and began to rock the silent infant gently in his arms;<br />

A child who heard a song as he rocked in arms, a song sung in the historical<br />

accents of a disgraced ayah: 'Anything you want to be, you kin be; you kin<br />

be just what all you want.'<br />

But now that I've given birth to my flap eared, silent son there are questi<br />

ons to be answered about that other, synchronous birth. Unpalatable, awkwar<br />

d queries: did Saleem's dream of saving the nation leak, through the osmoti<br />

c tissues of history, into the thoughts of the Prime Minister herself? Was<br />

my lifelong belief in the equation between the State and myself transmuted,<br />

in 'the Madam's' mind, into that in those days famous phrase: India is Ind<br />

ira and Indira is India? Were we competitors for centrality was she gripped<br />

by a lust for meaning as profound as my own and was that, was that why… ?<br />

Influence of hair styles on the course of history: there's another ticklish<br />

business. If William Methwold had lacked a centre parting, I might not have<br />

been here today; and if the Mother of the Nation had had a coiffure of unifo<br />

rm pigment, the Emergency she spawned might easily have lacked a darker side<br />

. But she had white hair on one side and black on the other; the Emergency,<br />

too, had a white part public, visible, documented, a matter for historians a<br />

nd a black part which, being secret macabre untold, must be a matter for us.<br />

Mrs Indira Gandhi was born in November 1917 to Kamala and Jawaharlal Nehr<br />

u. Her middle name was Priyadarshini. She was not related to 'Mahatma' M.<br />

K. Gandhi; her surname was the legacy of. her marriage, in 1952, to one<br />

Feroze Gandhi, who became known as 'the nation's son in law'. They had tw<br />

o sons, Rajiv and Sanjay, but in 1949 she moved back into her father's ho<br />

me and became his 'official hostess'. Feroze made one attempt to live the<br />

re, too, but it was not a success. He became a ferocious critic of the Ne<br />

hru Government, exposing the Mundhra scandal and forcing the resignation<br />

of the then Finance Minister, T. T. Krishnamachari T.T.K.' himself. Mr Fe<br />

roze Gandhi died of a heart seizure in 1960, aged forty seven. Sanjay Gan<br />

dhi, and his ex model wife Menaka, were prominent during the Emergency. T<br />

he Sanjay Youth Movement was particularly effective in the sterilization<br />

campaign.<br />

I have included this somewhat elementary summary just in case you had faile<br />

d to realize that the Prime Minister of India was, in 1975, fifteen years a<br />

widow. Or (because the capital letter may be of use): a Widow.<br />

Yes, Padma: Mother Indira really had it in for me.

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