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Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...

Salman Rushdie Midnight's children Salman Rushdie Midnight's ...


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, mass arrests in red run kerala: SABOTEURS RUN AMOK: GHOSH ACCUSES CO<br />

GRESS GOONDAS, and got 'arm' from chinese armed forces' border activiti<br />

es spurn bandung principles. To complete the name, I snipped the letter<br />

s 'ati' from dulles foreign policy is inconsistent, erratic, p.m. avers<br />

. Cutting up history to suit my nefarious purposes, I seized on why ind<br />

ira gandhi is congress president now and kept the 'why'; but I refused<br />

to be tied exclusively to politics, and turned to advertising for the '<br />


s savour! A sporting human interest story, mohun bagan centre forward t<br />

akes wife, gave me its last word, and 'go ??' I took from the tragic ma<br />

sses go ?? abul kalam azad's funeral. Now I was obliged to find my word<br />

s in little pieces once again: death on south col: sherpa plunges provi<br />

ded me with a much needed 'col', but 'aba' was hard to find, turning up<br />

at last in a cinema advertisement: Ali baba, seventeenth SUPERCOLOSSAL<br />

WEEK PLANS FILLING UP FAST!… Those were the days when Sheikh Abdullah,<br />

the Lion of Kashmir, was campaigning for a plebiscite in his state to<br />

determine its future; his courage gave me the syllable 'cause', because<br />

it led to this headline: abdullah 'incitement' cause of his re arrest<br />

govt spokesman. Then, too, Acharya Vinobha Bhave, who had spent ten yea<br />

rs persuading landowners to donate plots to the poor in his bhoodan cam<br />

paign, announced that donations had passed the million acre mark, and l<br />

aunched two new campaigns, asking for the donations of whole villages ('gramdan') a<br />

Narayan announced the dedication of his life to Bhave's work, the headli<br />

ne narayan walks in bhave's way gave me my much sought 'way'. I had near<br />

ly finished now; plucking an 'on' from pakistan on course for political<br />

chaos: faction strife bedevils public affairs, and a 'sunday' from the m<br />

asthead of the Sunday Blitz, I found myself just one word short. Events<br />

in East Pakistan provided me with my finale. FURNITURE HURLING SLAYS DEP<br />


ch, deftly and deliberately, I excised the letter 'u'. I needed a termin<br />

al question mark, and found it at the end of the perennial query of thos<br />

e strange days: after nehru, who?<br />

In the secrecy of a bathroom, I glued my completed note my first attempt at<br />

rearranging history on to a sheet of paper; snake like, I inserted the docum<br />

ent in my pocket, like poison in a sac. Subtly, I arranged to spend an eveni<br />

ng with Eyeslice and Hairoil. We played a game: 'Murder in the Dark'… During<br />

a game of murder, I slipped inside Commander Sabarmati's almirah and insert<br />

ed my lethal missive into the inside pocket of his spare uniform. At that mo<br />

ment (no point hiding it) I felt the delight of the snake who hits its targe<br />

t, and feels its fangs pierce its victim's heel…<br />

commander SABARMATI (my note read)

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