Stereo Scan 440 - DCU

Stereo Scan 440 - DCU

Stereo Scan 440 - DCU


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Confirm<br />

This instruction check that the instrument configuration matches the defined<br />

configuration. If the configuration is different, the user is given the option of<br />

continuing the execution or aborting the macro.<br />

Message<br />

The defined text is displayed in a dialog box until the user clicks on the OK<br />

button. Execution of the macro then continues.<br />

Show/Hide Panel<br />

The show and hide panel instructions are used to display and remove panels to<br />

and from the screen.<br />

Load Display LUT<br />

The load display LUT instruction loads the display LUT from the specified .OL T<br />

file. When this instruction is inserted into a macro, the current display LUT is<br />

used to generate a file and the user is prompted for a filename.<br />

Function<br />

Performs one of the set of specially defmed actions if the appropriate licences are<br />

installed.<br />

Control Structures<br />

There are two types of control structure provided:.<br />

While<br />

If then<br />

WhileConstnlcts<br />

The While construct allows a series of instructions to be repeatedly executed<br />

while the specified condition is true. It takes the form:-<br />

While (alternatively While Not

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