Introduction - Uppsala Monitoring Centre

Introduction - Uppsala Monitoring Centre

Introduction - Uppsala Monitoring Centre


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diclofenac.<br />

100. Hawkinson O and Kerr EK. A case of granulocytopenia with severe anaemia and<br />

staphylococcemia. Illinois Medical Journal. 1943; 81: 168 - 170. Single complicated<br />

case after long-term use of 40 – 60 grain Aspirin daily.<br />

101. Balazs J. Uber Azetylsalzylsäure (Aspirin). Vergiftungen, Med. Klin. 1930; 26: 1664 –<br />

1666. Cardiac depression.<br />

102. Lees DB. The effective treatment of acute and subacute rheumatism. Proc. R. Soc.<br />

Med. 1909; 2: 34 – 48. Coma, air-hunger, drowsiness, tinnitus, acetonuria, vomiting,<br />

deafness, vertigo, and delirium.<br />

103. Gebert Karl. Die Atmung nach Therapeutische Salicylgaben [Respiration after<br />

therapeutic administration of salicyl]. Thesis, Friedrich-Wilhelm Univ. Berlin. 1931.<br />

Respiratory alkalosis.<br />

104. Merck G. Reports, 1904. Tympanic congestion, erythematous patches, oedema and<br />

sore throat.<br />

105. Smull K, Wegria R and Leland J. Effect of sodium bicarbonate on serum salicylate level<br />

during salicylate therapy of patients with rheumatic fever. JAMA 1944; 125: 1173 - 1175<br />

(August 26th). Addition of sodium bicarbonate lowered salicylate blood level.<br />

106. Coombs FS. Toxicity of salicylates. News Letter. AAF Rheumatic Fever Control<br />

Program 1945; 2: 11 - 12 (April). Effect of sodium bicarbonate lowers salicylate blood<br />

level by increasing urinary excretion.<br />

107. Freund R. Arzneiexanthem nach Aspirin [drug-induced rash after Aspirin]. Münch Med<br />

Wschr 1905; 52: 707. Fixed drug eruption with positive rechallenge.<br />

Unsubstantiated Adverse events<br />

Strabismus, ptosis, megaloblastic anaemia, Reye’s syndrome, agranulocytosis,<br />

aplastic anaemia, increased saliva, tingling, teratogenicity and analgesic nephropathy.<br />

Side Effects of Drugs, Meyler’s 1 st Edition, 1952. This covers all salicylates:<br />

Aspirin, salicylic acid, sodium salicylate, methyl salicylate and phenyl salicylate<br />

(Salol). The miscellaneous rashes are: maculo-papular exanthema, urticaria, fixed<br />

drug eruption, erythema nodosum, erythema multiforme (EM), pigmentation and<br />

haemorrhagic exanthemata.<br />

Side Effects of Drugs 2006 15th Edition. This refers only to Aspirin.<br />

A) Dermatological events (Type B events): the miscellaneous rashes include:<br />

purpura, Henoch-Scönlein purpura, haemorrhagic vasculitis, erythema<br />

multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (Stevens and Johnson, 1922), Lyell’s<br />

syndrome, eczematous dermatitis, exanthematic eruption, erythematous,<br />

scarlatiniform and morbilliform, bullous eruptions, pomphylox, dyshidosis-like<br />

lesions, and fixed drug eruptions. There is supporting evidence for these skin<br />

reactions in Litt’s Drug Eruptions Reference Manual 9 th edition: angio-oedema 1-<br />

5%, erythema multiforme < 1%, erythema nodosum < 1%, fixed drug eruption <<br />

1%, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, Lyells < 1%, urticaria 1 –10%, rash 1 – 10%,

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