Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...

Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...

Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...


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ENGINEERING: ISSUES CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR DEVELOPMENTFigure 3: A plant of the futureThe chemical <strong>and</strong> process industries – the heart ofthe <strong>challenges</strong>Today, the chemical <strong>and</strong> related industries – including oil <strong>and</strong>gas, oil shale, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals <strong>and</strong> health,agriculture <strong>and</strong> food, environment, pulp <strong>and</strong> paper, textile <strong>and</strong>leather, iron <strong>and</strong> steel, bitumen, building materials, glass, surfactants,cosmetics <strong>and</strong> perfume, <strong>and</strong> electronics, <strong>and</strong> so on– are evolving rapidly. This is due to unprecedented dem<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> constraints, stemming not least from public concern overenvironmental <strong>and</strong> safety <strong>issues</strong>. Only 25 per cent by weight ofextracted resources is used <strong>for</strong> the production of goods <strong>and</strong>services; the other 75 per cent is lost to pollution, waste <strong>and</strong>environment disturbances.Chemical knowledge is also growing rapidly <strong>and</strong> the rate ofdiscovery increases every day. More than fourteen million differentmolecular compounds could be synthesized in 2005.About 100,000 can regularly be found on the market, but onlya small fraction of them can be found in nature. Most of themare deliberately conceived, designed, synthesized <strong>and</strong> manufacturedto meet a human need, to test an idea or to satisfy ourquest <strong>for</strong> knowledge. The <strong>development</strong> of combined chemicalsynthesis with nanotechnology is a current example.There are two major dem<strong>and</strong>s associated with the challengeto assure <strong>development</strong>, competitiveness, sustainability <strong>and</strong>employment in chemical industries. The first is how to competein the global economy where the key factors are globalization,partnership <strong>and</strong> innovation (which mainly involves theacceleration of innovation as a process of discovery <strong>and</strong> <strong>development</strong>).For example, in the fast-moving consumer goodsbusiness, time to market has decreased from about ten yearsin 1970 to an estimated 2–3 years in the year 2000. Now, evenone year is often considered long. The second major dem<strong>and</strong>is to respond to market dem<strong>and</strong>s. This actually presents adouble challenge. In industrializing countries, labour costs arelow <strong>and</strong> there are fewer regulations. In industrialized countries,there is rapid growth in consumer dem<strong>and</strong> <strong>for</strong> specificend-use properties <strong>and</strong> significant concern <strong>for</strong> the environment<strong>and</strong> safety.The chemical engineering profession is already responding tothese dem<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> the necessity <strong>for</strong> more sustainable products<strong>and</strong> processes. It will increasingly research innovativeprocesses <strong>for</strong> production to transition, from the now traditionalhigh-bulk chemistry, into new industries of specialized<strong>and</strong> active material chemistry.For example, in the production of commodity <strong>and</strong> intermediateproducts (ammonia, calcium carbonate, sulphuric acid,ethylene, methanol, ethanol <strong>and</strong> so on representing 40 percent of the market), patents usually do not apply to the productbut rather to the process, <strong>and</strong> the process can no longer bedetermined by economic considerations alone. The need is toproduce large quantities at the lowest possible price, but theeconomic constraints will no longer be defined as ‘sale price,minus capital, plus operating, plus raw material, plus energycost’. Increased selectivity <strong>and</strong> the savings linked to the processitself must be considered, which needs further research.Furthermore, it has to be added that the trend towards globalscalefacilities may soon require a change of technology, withthe current technology no longer capable of being built ‘just abit bigger’. This may involve an integrated multi-scale chemicalprocess design. It may mean that large-scale production unitsare created by the integration <strong>and</strong> interconnection of diverse,smaller-scale elements.For high-margin products that involve customer-designed orperceived <strong>for</strong>mulations, chemical engineers need to designnew plants that are no longer optimized to produce one productat high quality <strong>and</strong> low cost. The need is <strong>for</strong> multi-purposesystems <strong>and</strong> generic equipment that can be easily switchedover to other recipes; systems like flexible production, smallbatches, modular set-ups, <strong>and</strong> so on.Chemical <strong>and</strong> process engineering in the futureBriefly, the years to come seem to be characterized by fourmain parallel <strong>and</strong> simultaneous changes:1.Total multi-scale control: process to increase selectivity<strong>and</strong> productivity.© Charpentier2.Process intensification: including the design of novelequipment, new operating modes <strong>and</strong> new methods ofproduction (Figure 3).130

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