Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...

Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...

Engineering: issues, challenges and opportunities for development ...


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ENGINEERING: EMERGING ISSUES AND CHALLENGESpossibilities, <strong>and</strong> as well as positive visions there are warningsabout dangers <strong>and</strong> barriers to the realization of <strong>opportunities</strong>.A third set of factors concern innovation. Innovation has cometo be recognized as a key element in competitiveness, nationalper<strong>for</strong>mance <strong>and</strong> achieving socio-economic objectives. Moreprecisely, many countries have come to feel that there areweaknesses in their innovation systems – the institutions, <strong>and</strong>relationships between institutions, that generate <strong>and</strong> applyknowledge (in science <strong>and</strong> technology laboratories, appliedengineering, design, higher <strong>and</strong> vocational public services,commercial enterprises, policymaking, finance <strong>and</strong> so on).Foresight was seen to provide tools that could help connect<strong>and</strong> integrate components of innovation systems, <strong>and</strong> indeedsome exercises (e.g. France’s FUTURIS) 3 have been explicitlyaimed at in<strong>for</strong>ming decisions about restructuring nationallaboratories <strong>and</strong> the innovation system more generally.Many countries have embarked on large-scale <strong>for</strong>esight exercises,<strong>and</strong> in several cases we are now into the third or evenlater round of such exercises. In some cases, it remains a specializedactivity impelled by one part of government; in others<strong>for</strong>esight approaches have been embedded much morewidely. Expertise has been developed in using techniques suchas road-mapping, scenario analysis, Delphi surveys <strong>and</strong> trendanalysis, <strong>and</strong> there are interesting <strong>development</strong>s in the applicationof in<strong>for</strong>mation technology to support these approaches<strong>and</strong> provide new means of decision support.One lesson learned early on during these exercises was that itis important to bring together expertise in social affairs, businessmanagement, financial <strong>issues</strong> <strong>and</strong> policy, together withexpertise possessed by scientists <strong>and</strong> engineers. 4 Exercises thatneglected this found themselves hastily having to plug theseknowledge gaps. Foresight activities – in the most successfulexercises – proved a valuable setting to enable experts of manykinds to share <strong>and</strong> fuse their knowledge, to break away fromtheir st<strong>and</strong>ard presentations <strong>and</strong> immediate preoccupations,to articulate their underst<strong>and</strong>ings about longer-term <strong>development</strong>s<strong>and</strong> to explore how these did or did not align withthose of experts in adjacent <strong>and</strong> related areas.What has proved to be at a premium is the capability to possess(<strong>and</strong> share) highly specialized knowledge, but also to be able torelate this underst<strong>and</strong>ing to the <strong>issues</strong> raised in a wide range ofother fields; people with ‘T-shaped skill profiles’ (people with in-3 See R. Barré Foresight in France, Chp. 5 in L. Georghiou et al. (eds, 2008) The H<strong>and</strong>bookof Technology Foresight, Cheltenham, UK <strong>and</strong> Northampton, MA, USA: EdwardElgar (This H<strong>and</strong>book provides much more depth on many of the <strong>issues</strong> discussed inthe present text). A good account is also available at: http://<strong>for</strong>learn.jrc.ec.europa.eu/guide/7_cases/futuris_operation.htm (Accessed: 5 May 2010).4 See the study of ‘industrially-oriented <strong>for</strong>esight, J. Molas-Gallart et al. (2001). A TransnationalAnalysis of the Result <strong>and</strong> Implications of Industrially-oriented Technology ForesightStudies, ESTO Report, EUR No: EUR 20138 EN available at: http://www.p2pays.org/ref/05/04160.pdf (Accessed: 5 May 2010).depth knowledge of their own domain as well as competence ina much broader spectrum of managerial, interpersonal <strong>and</strong> otherskills). Additionally, <strong>for</strong>esight required open-minded people; theexperts have to be able to participate on the basis of the knowledgethey possess, not simply to argue positions that reflectcorporate or sectional interests. Thus a combination of cognitive,social, professional <strong>and</strong> ethical capabilities are required. Thissort of profile is liable to be in dem<strong>and</strong> in any engineering workwhere relations with customers <strong>and</strong> users, <strong>and</strong> perspectives thatgo beyond immediate project management, are required.Foresight exercises have addressed a multitude of topics 5 butan inescapable feature is that, across the board, we are continuingto move toward a world in which more <strong>and</strong> more ofour social <strong>and</strong> economic activities are instrumented: 6 wherewe use new technologies to trans<strong>for</strong>m the material world <strong>and</strong>design <strong>and</strong> simulate these trans<strong>for</strong>mations; where technologiesmediate our interactions <strong>and</strong> help us codify <strong>and</strong> collateour knowledge; where we have increasingly powerful tools tointervene in both tangible <strong>and</strong> intangible elements of complexsystems, <strong>and</strong> to help us underst<strong>and</strong> such systems. New <strong>for</strong>msof engineering are emerging (service engineering <strong>and</strong> bioengineeringbeing two examples), as are new approaches to education<strong>and</strong> lifelong learning. There is probably no single future <strong>for</strong>engineering; new specialisms will emerge, new skill profiles <strong>and</strong>hybrid combinations will be required <strong>and</strong> new professions willdevelop that have a greater or lesser engineering component.Personal <strong>for</strong>esight will be an asset that should enable individualsto make in<strong>for</strong>med choices in these shifting l<strong>and</strong>scapes.Meanwhile, <strong>for</strong>esight programmes underline the central roleplayed by engineers <strong>and</strong> engineering in creating the future.Hopefully, such activities will continue to be diffused <strong>and</strong> institutionalizedso that the essential links between engineering<strong>and</strong> social <strong>and</strong> environmental concerns can be deepened <strong>and</strong>made more effective. 7 In this way, debate <strong>and</strong> action aroundlong-term <strong>opportunities</strong> <strong>and</strong> threats will be in<strong>for</strong>med byknowledge of the strengths <strong>and</strong> limitations of engineering capabilities<strong>and</strong> of the structure <strong>and</strong> urgency of social concerns.5 See the EFMN database. Even one country’s activities can span a vast range, <strong>for</strong> examplerecent projects in UK Foresight have concerned themes as various as Flooding,Obesity, Drugs <strong>and</strong> Brain Science, Exploiting the Electromagnetic Spectrum, Detection<strong>and</strong> Identification of Infectious Diseases, <strong>and</strong> Intelligent Infrastructures. Go to http://www. <strong>for</strong>esight.gov.uk <strong>for</strong> details of these <strong>and</strong> many more projects.6 This term is borrowed from IBM’s Samuel J. Palmisano in his paper A Smarter Planet: TheNext Leadership Agenda available at http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ideasfromibm/us/smartplanet/20081106/sjp_speech.shtml(Accessed: 5 May 2010). Much of this is also describedin terms of being ‘in<strong>for</strong>mated’ or ‘infomated’, but other technologies are being employedalongside in<strong>for</strong>mation technology, <strong>for</strong> example, genomics <strong>and</strong> nanotechnologies.7 An interesting step here is the introduction of ‘<strong>Engineering</strong> Foresight’ modules intoengineering courses, <strong>for</strong> example a course <strong>for</strong> third year mechanical engineeringstudents at Manchester University intended to equip them <strong>for</strong> the sort of projectsthey may be working on in the future. The course, with a horizon of several decades,particularly explores “step change, disruptive technology <strong>and</strong> scientific breakthroughrather than incremental product <strong>and</strong> process <strong>development</strong>”, <strong>and</strong> locates mechanicalengineering in relation to future markets, societies <strong>and</strong> technologies by training instudents in various <strong>for</strong>ecasting techniques. Go to: http://www.manchester.ac.uk/© UNESCO The Vizcaya Bridge innorthern Spain – designedby de Palacio in 1887 <strong>and</strong>UNESCO World Heritage site.55

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