Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government


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SECTION 9: MITIGATION ACTION PLAN7. Severe Repetitive Loss Program (residential structures only)To prevent further losses from flooding on homes that experience NFIP insured severe repetitive floodlosses. Minimum of 4 NFIP claims @ $5,000 or more OR 2 claims payment (with building payments only)exceeding market value of building. Funding is federal 90 % - non-federal 10%. Mitigationreconstruction can only be funded through SRL (max federal share $150,000 for construction). Ifawarded, must accept <strong>mitigation</strong> offer within 45 days; failure to accept offer will cause an increase ininsurance premium rate by 150% at renewal.Project CompletionAll <strong>mitigation</strong> initiatives are expected to take more than one year to be completed. As funding sourcesare identified, the anticipated project completion will be updated for the <strong>mitigation</strong> initiative in theMitigation Action Plan.Mitigation Initiative StatusThe open <strong>mitigation</strong> initiatives are listed in the Action Plan in Table 9.2.If a <strong>mitigation</strong> initiative does not have a status indicator, it is considered “open”.No changes have been made to the deferred projects, as no funding is currently available.The county is in the process of transitioning to this new scoring system and information is still beingcollected by several of the jurisdictions. Mitigation initiatives that are highlighted in yellow are pendingthe scoring process by the jurisdiction. All <strong>mitigation</strong> actions and status are provided in Appendix F aspart of the Individual Jurisdictional Mitigation Plans.Flood Vulnerability ReductionAll <strong>mitigation</strong> initiatives included in the Action Plan that propose to reduce flood hazard vulnerabilityadvance the intent of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), as they will meet the current localfloodplain regulations adopted by the jurisdictions as required by the NFIP. Two of the scoring factorsused to determine the priority of the actions specifically address the intent of the NFIP and theCommunity Rating System (CRS). These two factors consider whether the initiative supports elements ofthe CRS and reduces repetitive flood losses.<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> is highly committed to reducing flood losses in support of the NFIP, and haspredominantly used local funding to implement these projects. From 1999 to 2008, 75 flood hazardvulnerability reduction initiatives have been completed and 69 are open. Of the 136 open <strong>mitigation</strong>initiatives, 50 percent support flood hazard vulnerability reduction.Examples of these initiatives include: acquiring and relocating repetitive loss structures, relocatingcritical facilities from the 100-year floodplain, floodproofing equipment at water treatment plants,performing drainage improvement projects and creating new topographic maps based on newlycollected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data.All Hazard Mitigation InitiativesMany initiatives address all hazards in the <strong>mitigation</strong> project. At least one All hazard initiative has beenindividually identified by most jurisdictions and VOL-0027 is an All Hazards initiative that is theresponsibility of the <strong>LMS</strong> Working Group as a whole.<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation PlanFebruary 20109:6

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