Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government

Local mitigation strategy (LMS) - Volusia County Government


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SECTION 5: HAZARD PROFILES5.15 CONCLUSIONS ON HAZARD RISKThe hazard profiles presented in this section were developed using best available data and result inwhat may be considered principally a qualitative assessment as recommended by FEMA in its “How-to”guidance document titled Understanding Your Risks: Identifying Hazards and Estimating Losses (FEMAPublication 386-2). It relies heavily on historical and anecdotal data, stakeholder input, and professionaland experienced judgment regarding observed and/or anticipated hazard impacts. It also carefullyconsiders the findings in other relevant plans, studies and technical reports.5.15.1 Hazard Risk ScoringIn order to provide a comprehensive assessment of each hazard in each jurisdiction, the hazards werescored by the participating jurisdictions based on a number of vulnerability factors including areaimpacted, health and safety of the population, property, environment, and economic vulnerability. Eachof these factors has been assigned a number between one and five, based on risk, with five being thegreatest. The values then were summed and multiplied by the probability of occurrence factor, which isalso a 1 to 5 scale. The resulting value is a risk rating for each hazard within a specific jurisdiction. Eachparticipating jurisdiction updated their hazards scores in June and July of 2009, based on the initialscores that were provided during the 2004 <strong>LMS</strong> update. Table 5.19 provides the top three hazardvulnerabilities that were identified by each participating jurisdiction within <strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong>. A completelist of hazards for each jurisdiction as well as the score for each hazard and vulnerability factor can befound in Appendix F. Further, the Vulnerability Assessment (Section 6) provides hazards exposure andloss estimates to further analyze vulnerability and risk at the jurisdictional level.TABLE 5.19: Snapshot of Hazard Risk RankingDaytona BeachDaytona Beach ShoresDeBaryDelandDeltonaEdgewaterHazard Risk RankingFirst Second ThirdHigh Winds Hail Storm Surge,TsunamiAll Natural Hazards Flooding Storm Surge, TsunamiFlooding High Winds LightningHigh Wind Hail Severe Winter StormLightning Severe Winter Storm DroughtThunderstorm Severe Winter Storm Drought<strong>Volusia</strong> <strong>County</strong> Multi-jurisdictional <strong>Local</strong> Mitigation StrategyFebruary 20105:68

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