Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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106 Marco Brunella<br />

By the classical Uniformisation Theorem, the universal covering of each leaf is<br />

either the unit disc D (hyperbolic leaf) or the affine line C (parabolic leaf) or the<br />

projective line P (rational leaf).<br />

In these notes we shall assume that the ambient manifold X is a compact connected<br />

Kähler manifold, and we will be concerned with the following problem: how<br />

the universal covering �Lp of the leaf Lp through the point p depends on p ?Forinstance,<br />

we may first of all ask about the structure of the subset of X formed by those<br />

points through which the leaf is hyperbolic, resp. parabolic, resp. rational: is the set<br />

of hyperbolic leaves open in X? Is the set of parabolic leaves analytic? But, even if<br />

all the leaves are, say, hyperbolic, there are further basic questions: the uniformising<br />

map of every leaf is almost unique (unique modulo automorphisms of the disc), and<br />

after some normalization (to get uniqueness) we may ask about the way in which<br />

the uniformising map of Lp depends on the point p. Equivalently, we may put on<br />

every leaf its Poincaré metric, and we may ask about the way in which this leafwise<br />

metric varies in the directions transverse to the foliation.<br />

Our main result will be that these universal coverings of leaves can be glued<br />

together in a vaguely “holomorphically convex” way. That is, the leafwise universal<br />

covering of the foliated manifold (X,F ) can be defined and it has a sort of “holomorphically<br />

convex” structure [Br2, Br3]. This was inspired by a seminal work of<br />

Il’yashenko [Il1,Il2], who proved a similar result when X is a Stein manifold instead<br />

of a compact Kähler one. Related ideas can also be found in Suzuki’s paper [Suz],<br />

still in the Stein case. Another source of inspiration was Shafarevich conjecture on<br />

the holomorphic convexity of universal coverings of projective (or compact Kähler)<br />

manifolds [Nap].<br />

This main result will allow us to apply results by Nishino [Nis] and Yamaguchi<br />

[Ya1, Ya2, Ya3, Kiz] concerning the transverse variation of the leafwise Poincaré<br />

metric and other analytic invariants. As a consequence of this, for instance, we shall<br />

obtain that if the foliation has at least one hyperbolic leaf, then: (1) there are no<br />

rational leaves; (2) parabolic leaves fill a subset of X which is complete pluripolar,<br />

i.e. locally given by the poles of a plurisubharmonic function. In other words, the<br />

set of hyperbolic leaves of F is either empty or potential-theoretically full in X.<br />

These results are related also to positivity properties of the canonical bundle KF ,<br />

along a tradition opened by Arakelov [Ara, BPV] in the case of algebraic fibrations<br />

by curves and developed by Miyaoka [Miy, ShB] and then McQuillan and<br />

Bogomolov [MQ1, MQ2, BMQ, Br1] in the case of foliations on projective manifolds.<br />

From this point of view, our final result is the following ruledness criterion<br />

for foliations:<br />

Theorem 1.1. [Br3, Br5] Let X be a compact connected Kähler manifold and let<br />

F be a foliation by curves on X. Suppose that the canonical bundle KF is not<br />

pseudoeffective. Then through every point p ∈ X there exists a rational curve tangent<br />

to F .<br />

Recall that a line bundle on a compact connected manifold is pseudoeffective if it<br />

admits a (singular) hermitian metric with positive curvature in the sense of currents

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