Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems

Discrete Holomorphic Local Dynamical Systems


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156 Marco Brunella<br />

to the class of a path in D from q to p. In fact, the graphs pF (X 0 ) ⊂ UF and<br />

qF (X 0 ) ⊂ VF are hypersurfaces everywhere transverse to � F and � F .<br />

A moment of reflection shows also the following fact: the normal bundle of the<br />

hypersurface pF (X 0 ) in UF (or qF (X 0 ) in VF ) is naturally isomorphic to TF | X 0,<br />

the tangent bundle of the foliation restricted to X 0 . That is, the manifold UF (resp.<br />

VF ) can be thought as an “integrated form” of the (total space of the) tangent bundle<br />

of the foliation, in which tangent lines to the foliation are replaced by universal<br />

coverings (resp. holonomy coverings) of the corresponding leaves. From this perspective,<br />

which will be useful below, the map ΠF : UF ��� X is a sort of “skew<br />

flow” associated to F , in which the “time” varies not in C but in the universal<br />

covering of the leaf.<br />

Let us conclude this discussion with a trivial but illustrative example.<br />

Example 8.1. Suppose n = 1, i.e. X is a compact connected curve and F is the foliation<br />

with only one leaf, X itself. The manifold VF is composed by equivalence<br />

classes of paths in X, where two paths are equivalent if they have the same starting<br />

point and the same ending point (here holonomy is trivial!). Clearly, VF is the product<br />

X × X, QF is the projection to the first factor, qF is the diagonal embedding of<br />

X into X × X, andπF is the projection to the second factor. Note that the normal<br />

bundle of the diagonal Δ ⊂ X × X is naturally isomorphic to TX. The foliation � F is<br />

the horizontal foliation, and note that its monodromy is trivial, corresponding to the<br />

fact that the holonomy of the foliation is trivial. The manifold UF is the fiberwise<br />

universal covering of VF , with basepoints on the diagonal. It is not the product of<br />

X with the universal covering �X (unless X = P, of course). It is only a locally trivial<br />

�X-bundle over X. The foliation � F has nontrivial monodromy: if γ : [0,1] → X is a<br />

loop based at p, then the monodromy of � F along γ is the covering transformation<br />

of the fiber over p (i.e. the universal covering of X with basepoint p) associated to γ.<br />

The foliation � F can be described as the suspension of the natural representation<br />

π1(X) → Aut(�X) [CLN].<br />

8.2 Parabolic Foliations<br />

After these preliminaries, let us concentrate on the class of parabolic foliations,i.e.<br />

let us assume that all the leaves of F are uniformised by C. In this case, the Poincaré<br />

metric on the leaves is identically zero, hence quite useless. But our convexity result<br />

Theorem 5.1 still gives a precious information on covering tubes.<br />

Theorem 8.2. Let X be a compact connected Kähler manifold and let F be a<br />

parabolic foliation on X. Then the global covering tube UF is a locally trivial<br />

C-fibration over X 0 , isomorphic to the total space of TF over X 0 ,byanisomorphism<br />

sending pF (X 0 ) to the null section.

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